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Best Way To Invest in Crypto Currencies.

Hello Everyone,

As I mentioned in my last article, I am not a big fan of Cryptos because I don't understand them well enough. However I feel that the Old guards who run the economy will have to eat humble pie and realize that the millenials (aka the youth...or those that they claim know nothing) are a force to be reckoned with.

I honestly and strongly believe in Albert Einsteins aphorism, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it". Let me explain before you start mud slinging...

If you remember correctly, Occupy Wall Street may have failed because we were used the same old mentality to try and solve an issue created using the same mentality in first place. Alexander Haig, the secretary of state for President Ronald Regan once said "Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes". This was in response to a large demonstration against the nuclear arms race that took place in New York City on June 12, 1982. We need to have a shift in mentality if we are to see any substantial change. CryptoCurrencies are one such shift which I beleive could be the elites Achilles hill.

To invest in any asset including ICOs there are a few factors you may need to consider. Warren buffet once said, " You do not test the depth of the waters with both feet". That being said if you need to enter in the crypto market I highly recommend you do your homework there are lots of scam out there. Diversify your risk and from a technical analysis perspective understanding the Dow Theory would greatly help in reading charts.

There is no "HOLY GRAIL" for trading.

I have attached a pdf for you to have easy access to thew Dow Theory. However, I am not involved with ifc. It's just a well written and easy to understand article.

"It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows"-Epictetus.


The Humble Trader
