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This is my puppy Loki. If you are familiar with Mythology you will know that Loki is the wily trickster god of Norse mythology. Loki often runs afoul not only of societal expectations, but also of what we might call “the laws of nature.” In the tales, Loki is portrayed as a scheming coward who cares only for shallow pleasures and self-preservation. He’s by turns playful, malicious, and helpful, but he’s always irreverent and nihilistic. For the centuries that Norse mythology has been a subject of scholarly study, scholars have been unable to explain the meaning of Loki’s name in any convincing way. Most have simply thrown their hands up and declared the meaning of his name to be unknown and probably unknowable. Recently, however, the philologist Eldar Heide may have solved this puzzle. In his research into Nordic folklore from periods more recent than the Viking Age, Heide noticed that Loki often appears in contexts that liken him to a knot on a thread. In fact, in later Icelandic usage, the common noun loki even means “knot” or “tangle.” Spiders are sometimes referred to as loki in a metaphorical sense, as their webs are compared to the fish nets (which are made from a series of knots and loops) that Loki crafts in certain surviving Viking Age myths. From all of this, the most straightforward meaning of Loki’s name would seem to be “Knot” or “Tangle.”

This proposed meaning of Loki’s name powerfully resonates with his role in Norse mythology in two ways. First, it points to his role as a maker of nets, both literal fish nets and metaphorical “nets” in the form of his cunning schemes that trap the gods in perilous situations. Second, it could indicate his being the “knot” in the otherwise straight thread of the gods and their world, the fatal flaw that ultimately brings about their demise.

Even though Loki is in some sense a god, no traces of any kind of worship of Loki have survived in the historical record. Is this any wonder, given that his character is virtually the antithesis of traditional Norse values of honor, loyalty, and the like – and that he is ultimately a traitor to the divinities the Norse held in such reverence?

The previous excerpt was borrowed from the website. What is amazing is that when people meet Loki for the first time, they don't see his true personality. He is very social, gets along with all animals (cats, dogs) of all different breeds and sizes. He loves people and he loves going for rides in our truck and he is an exceptional part of our family. We have 3 boys, Ben and Jerry (brothers from the same litter) and Loki, the new brother. Ben is the totally chillaxed brother and doesn't get caught up in the mayhem between Loki and Jerry. Loki and Jerry love to play, Jerry for the most part caves in, sometimes he is more bothered by the fact that Loki is being a spaz.

I bring this up because we live in times of turmoil and chaos. Natural and man-made chaos. For the longest time, those in power have taken advantage of those less fortunate, all in the name of currency. We have become so disenchanted by our conditioning that we have become like the song by Pink Floyd, Comfortably Numb. We are distracted by the littlest things and with each distraction comes greater power to those in power.

Here is where steemit, the blockchain and cryptocurrencies have changed the ballgame and leveled the playing field. Are there regulations? Of course there are. However, it is not over-regulated to shift power to any one individuals or group of individuals. The master plan has run into a huge roadblock that really is the end of the road for the powers that be. This is why you are seeing so much disinformation being reported by every major news agencies, countries and companies around the world. When you cannot control or manipulate the people you govern, you loose ultimate control of that population. The Private bankers are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, scrambling the best they can to find a way to control the blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

So next time you happen to be watching the news and some CEO of a bank or President of a country start barking about how cryptocurrencies are all fraud, I would buy into cryptocurrencies even more. They are running scared because they are losing control and they don't know what to do next except perpetuate the fraud they have been imposing on human kind for the last 2000 years.

In some small way I hope this post has helped and if you choose to, my hope is you will follow me, if you are not, upvote the post if you feel it is worthy and resteem if you think it will add value to those that follow you!

Passionate about your Dreams, Stay Strong, Press On and Charge the Hill!
