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JPB Liberty #CryptoClassAction gets its biggest media coverage EVER!

Update: I've incurred the wrath of xxxxxxxxx so I guess everyone's curation rewards get zeroed too. Feel free to use this tip button if you want to 😃

I've been working with @apshamilton and @jpbliberty for well over a year now. Around a year ago we had some major successes with coverage in the crypto press following a press release we put out in July 2019.

But we've never pushed for or received significant mainstream coverage; something that crosses over into normie land. Until now.

Cryptocurrency entrepreneurs to sue Google, Facebook and Twitter in an Australian class action lawsuit they claim could cost the social media giants up to $300BILLION

I'm very pleased that some absolutely key information about Hive made it into the piece:

Dr Bishko said the ban on cryptocurrency advertising was also crushing new social media networks that run on blockchains such as Hive which pays content creators in its own Hive cryptocurrency.

'Hive, which back then was called Steem, had been growing and growing - and suddenly they couldn’t advertise on Facebook and get new users,' he said.

'It caused enormous damage.'

'If your business had as a component of it anything that looked like a cryptocurrency, you got caught in the same net.

'So maybe you’d get a few adverts but eventually they’d do a review and your account would be blocked.'

These new emerging social media platforms that use blockchain technology are a threat to YouTube and Facebook, Dr Bishko said.

The more this article is shared, especially early on, the more the Daily Mail will be moved to promote it across their other geographies especially outside Australia.

So give it a share on your own social platforms and please get in touch if you want to know more and/or join the class action! You have nothing to lose and you might just recover some funds from the crypto winter of 2018.

Update: my son sent me this video after I sent him the Daily Mail article. (he's following this case closely)