iMe Messenger is an alternative client developed on open source Telegram


Hello everyone, I want to share with you a wonderful application with a built-in crypto wallet!

The news is not super new, but you may not have known about it.

iMe Messenger is an alternative client developed on open source Telegram. That is, this application includes all the functionality of the messenger with the addition of its own developments and technologies, which can be implemented even better than the official application.

The messenger iMe created on the basis of Telegram has artificial intelligence on neural networks. But user authorization, data transfer and storage occurs through Telegram servers.

The main difference between the iMe messenger from Telegram is its ability to provide message options to save users time. The messenger analyzes the message that came to the user, and neurobots offer the user ready-made phrases, in their own style and character, to respond to messages in the chat. If the incoming message is not suitable for a particular neurobot, then the bot will not offer the user its own response phrase. The more different neurobots a user will use in their chats, the more types of messages they will be able to offer for response.

Additional functions that are used in iMe:

Automatic sorting of chats by tabs Unread, Private, Group, Channels, Chatbots, All chats;
Grouping chats by folders;
Assistant neurobots offering answers in the form of phrases;
Shop of neurobots in various categories;
A selection of Telegram channels;

links to messenger:

"iMe Messenger & Wallet":
Android -
iOS -

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