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Be Smarter Than I Was; Don’t Fall For This Scam.

pexels-tima-miroshnichenko-6266504.jpg Photo Source: Pexels-Tima-Miroshnichenko

Make Sure You Don't

At some point you must admit it to yourself; yes, I got beat.

Let me share a not-so-good cryptocurrency experience with you.

Hopefully, someone will learn from it; and not be as dumb as I was at the time.

Oftentimes education is not designed in a course with a known price. Today, I can put my hand on my chest and blame myself I would not have willingly paid for that knowledge.

After reading this, someone asks you for advice on a similar situation, let them know what happened to me.

Fortunately, it was not as bad as it could have been because, I am usually overly skeptical about online investment. The piece of advice that saved may behind was: only risk what you could afford to lose.

I lost, and if it was $1 I would have still felt that it was an unnecessary financial lesson. Let me explain.

This happened in April 2019, It started with a friend request on Facebook, an attractive woman/picture/account using the name "TraderJane". (red flag)

I accepted her as a friend. That's just the way I am, I would rather know you than not, if you send me a friend request I will accept.

Soon we were texting on messenger. She explained that she was a Forex and Crypto trader, soon she started to explain how her trades were producing astronomical profits.

She sent me a link, I checked it out. Simple crypto site, free registration, easy to use, used only bitcoins for transactions (not a red flag but maybe dark pink).

If you have been around for a while you must have seen the offers before. Something like this: Invest $100 and withdraw $800, invest $2000 and withdraw $8000, and it kept going up to investing $10,000 and withdrawing $25,000. You would have to be stupid to not see that it was not possible. I was stupid.

Here is the conversation in my head:

"Numbers look impossible and it’s possibly a scam but maybe, just maybe it is true. I would have to be crazy to invest $2000 the risk is too much, it would hurt my savings. But, (and here is where I got stupid) I can afford to lose $100, I am not rich but it would not hurt if I lost it. I can also put in $500 which was predicted they forecasted would be $3500".

Can you guess what I did?

I admit, I was thinking easy money, fast money, and I was stupid, no investment scheme can make money that fast. I should have seen it coming. I was dreaming.

That was the last time something like that happened to me. Since then, I never make such unilateral, pie-in-the-sky investment, Now I am able to learn more from sites like CTP< Listnerds, PeakD, Leo Finance.

My initial introduction to these sites was from a friend in my mastermind group. She sent me a link to CTP Blueprint hosted by Elaina.
Before joining, I shared the idea with my group and most agreed except for one member who was dead set on having nothing to do with cryptocurrency.

When I was scammed, I was a loner online. I made decisions based on how I felt, what I thought was right. Today, I would have never lose what I did. I have learned not to make any financial decision without consulting with like-minded people; my mastermind group

Stay tuned for my next post, when I explain the scheme they used to keep my hard earned bitcoins.

In the meantime, consider sharing what you know about cryptocurrency, it will help us to build a more vibrant mastermind group. This is our first Cryptocurrency Mastermind Group.

Our first step is to find out some of the challenges business owners are facing mining, trading, investing in cryptocurrencies.

If you are a business owner using crypto either in your business or personally. we would love to talk with you.

If this interests you, give us 15 minutes of your time, you will be amply rewarded.

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And I promise, that soon you will be able to read rest of the story.

Thank you for reading this far.