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Crypto Developing Courses - Grow Your Knowledge! Invest In Yourself!

Invest in yourself with Crypto Courses...

We, crypto enthusiasts, are very excited about the future. A future of Crypto, a decentralized future, a future of blockchain tech, a better, safer future where everyone is given the same opportunities financially speaking! A future where our attention, our data is monetized by us and not big social networks like Youtube and Facebook. A future where we have access to the same tools that the rich and powerful have been using for decades...But we need to fight! We need to become smarter! We need to learn more and develop more!

Change isn't easy, many people are tied to the old system, a system where the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer. We need to fight, we need to scale this ecosystem, we need to develop more dapps, we need to build more fiat on-ramps to crypto, we need to develop! And for that, we need knowledge.

For those that don't know I was a veterinary student last year. I hated it, I love animals, and I liked being a veterinary, but I didn't love it! That's why I changed degree and I'm soon to begin in computer science! I want to help build this ecosystem, I want to help build AI, I want to help build the future! A better future for everyone...

But why am I talking about this? Well, because I just enrolled in an online crypto course developed by an Engineer/crypto influencer.

IvanOnTech, a crypto youtube influencer that explains the tech surrounding this ecosystem quite well developed numerous courses that are now with a huge discount.

There are courses on how to build on top of all sorts of cryptocurrencies (Enjin, Ethereum, EOS, Bitcoin, etc...). Courses that explain Unity, the Lightning Network, Blockchain tech, Algo trading, Libra, Smart Contracts, etc... From basic courses to advanced courses, it has it all.

So far this has been one of the most detailed and well-explained courses I've seen in the Crypto Sphere, and this is what we need! We need to grow our development, we need more dapps! A blockchain engineer is able to pull $200.000 a year easily, and if he builds his own dapps and community $200.000 is the minimum. Steem sure could use one of these...

Steem could use numerous videos explaining each step of deploying a token on Steem, each step on deploying a dapp on Steem. I think @inertia is already developing such a thing, he even got funding from the Steem Proposal system, hope it's good and well detailed, if I had the chance I would rather develop on Steem where the community already knows me than on other blockchains.

I got the course for $1 for the first month as part of a special offer, the offer has ended but the price for the first month only increased to $5, I'm not sure for how much longer the special offer will be up, but I would advise anyone to grab it, it's really cheap and it would probably benefit a lot the StemGeeks' community on Steem and even the SteemLeo's community, knowing more about tech is always good for an investor and for a developer. I grabbed it as soon as I could because I see this as part of my education, it's an investment in myself! Yup, because investing in ourselves is important!

Investing in ourselves is one of the most important things we can do! Growing our knowledge, increasing the number of synapses, increasing our brain plasticity, challenging the brain. I've always heard our brain is like a muscle, and it's true! Not physiologically of course, but the way we develop our brain is by challenging it just like the way to grow our muscles is by challenging them. Use it or lose it!

Investing in ourselves helps us grow, even if we are learning about a topic that we think we won't need in the future, just the simple fact that we are indeed learning about that topic makes our brain much more efficient, allowing it to adapt much faster in the future, allowing it to memorize and connect any information we are given at a faster rate.

Investing in cryptos, investing in stock, investing in real estate, investing in ETFs, investing in precious metals, any of these types of investing require knowledge, require expertise, require adaptability, any of these require your brain to be as well developed as you can, require your brain to adapt and evolve as fast as humanly possible, the faster your brain is at adapting the faster you conquer ground against other investors.

Invest in yourself, invest in your knowledge, invest in your brain! He is your best friend, at the end of the day you never know what the other person is thinking, but you know for sure what you and your brain are thinking.

Your brain has been with you since you were born into this world, he is your best and most loyal friend if well trained, train it!

IvanOnTech Special Offer

I'll leave a few screen captures so you guys know what type of content the course has:

No, I don't get anything by telling you about this, this isn't a paid promotion, it doesn't have any referrals, I'm doing this entirely because I really think we need more developers and more knowledge in the crypto space. And especially on StemGeeks. And I do think we should get in contact with Ivan to see if we can get a Steem course on the website.

Images Free Source - 1, 2,3,4,5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 - Tradingview snapshots too.

Question of the day: Will you buy the course? Don't you think we need more development on the crypto space and especially on Steem?

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