GOLD - First 100% Liquid Stablecoin Backed by Gold



GOLD is an Ethereum ERC-20 based cryptocurrency that was launched to become digital gold which allows its owners to store, buy, sell or transfer investment grade gold easily and safely. Since GOLD is an Ethereum ERC-20 based cryptocurrency that means owners can store these tokens in their digital wallets. As long as they don't share their private key, the GOLD token will be safe in their wallet. This is one of the advantages of owning GOLD tokens.

The Problem

As we all know that gold has been used by mankind for a long time. For thousands of years humans have used gold as a symbol of prosperity and wealth. And in modern times like today, gold is mostly used for investment or jewelry. Gold is considered an important precious metal because it has many uses in many sectors.

But having gold in physical form nowadays is a bit not easy, because gold is a precious metal, so many people are after this metal. Owners need a special place to be able to store their physical gold, sometimes they have to spend more money to be able to rent a safe at the bank. Or they usually keep their gold at home, which is very prone to theft. Having large amounts of physical gold is a bit risky for owners, especially if they store their gold in an unsafe place.


The Solution

Now, this is the modern era, where users can have gold in digital form. This digital gold, allows users to store gold more safely and easily. This digital gold solution has been offered by several platforms, one of which is GOLD. However, unlike other platforms, what GOLD offers is digital gold wrapped in cryptocurrency. In this way, it allows owners to store digital gold in their digital wallets that support Ethereum ERC-20 tokens.

The digital gold offered by the GOLD platform is pure gold which is equivalent to 1 gram of gold (99.99% FINE). Every gold token launched by the GOLD platform is backed by pure physical gold whose ownership can be checked on the GOLD website page. This physical gold will be secured in a safe vault in Singapore and insured with Chubb, this is done to keep the gold safe.


The GOLD platform is designed so that users can buy and sell GOLD tokens easily and quickly. Users can access the marketplace provided by the GOLD platform to buy and sell GOLD tokens on a small or large scale. The GOLD platform keeps the liquidity of the GOLD tokens really high, so that when a user sells or buys GOLD tokens, the supply remains available. And please note that when a user buys or sells GOLD tokens, the GOLD platform will also sell or buy physical gold according to the trade amount.

When you have gold in physical form, you will have a certificate of ownership that can be traced. However, when you have a GOLD token, there will be no letter of ownership. Not even a single person will know your identity. Because the GOLD platform will not ask for identity or KYC. So the GOLD token is a solution for those of you who want to have digital gold but don't want people to know about it.


Token Details

The GOLD token is an Ethereum ERC-20 based cryptocurrency. The GOLD token is of the utility token type, meaning that users can use this token for various purposes, such as transactions to various digital wallets that support the ERC-20 protocol or trading them in the marketplace.



Owning physical gold is not easy, sometimes owners have to rent vaults to store their assets, which is sometimes not cheap. And sometimes owners store their assets in their unsecured homes. And many other problems, where making digital gold is the best choice for those of you who don't want to take risks. For digital gold options, The GOLD token is one of the best choices. With GOLD tokens, users can have gold in the form of cryptocurrencies that can be stored easily and securely in their digital wallets. Users can buy and sell their GOLD tokens easily in the marketplace without KYC or other documents. And because it is based on cryptocurrency, no one will know your identity. The GOLD token is the best choice for those of you who want convenience, security, and privacy in owning gold.

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