What are the ways to Earn in Crypto Space other than Investing in it ?

We know Crypto space is booming big more than we imagined , do you know there are other ways to Earn extra money from whatever you have invested in it ?

  1. Proof of stake coins, the coins that you bought and if they are stored in their native wallets will earn you more coins.
    Like NEO, currently trading at 80$ and if you store NEO in its wallet it will earn Gas for you, while you sleep.

    Check this blog for NEO Wallet set up

    Click here to see List of Proof of Stake coins

    Click here to see NEO Proof of stake calculator

  2. Run Master nodes for the coins. Though ROI is really big for running master nodes, still you have to have the minimum amount of those coins to run a master node and most of the master nodes can be run in their wallets.

    Click here to see, the list of master node coins and their ROI

  3. Run child nodes for the coins, like you can run a Secure node for Zencash which will need some technical knowledge to set up the node, 42.25 Zencash, one Domain name, one Virtual private server or a computer with good configuration.

    It will cost you 5$ per month to run a node but the current payout is 0.05 Zencash per day which is 1.50 Zen per month(Current price of Zen is 50$) which is very profitable.

  4. Mining, obviously everyone is aware of it but we need some money to invest in Mining.

Let me know if you know any other ways to earn extra money from Crypto space and leave it comments, I will add it to the blog.

Happy Investing in Crypto...!

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