Adventures of a Crypto Noob #7 - ...PROFIT!

Holy s***! We hit profit boys!!

Finally, after a long series of investments, I finally can say that not only am I not losing money, I actually made some! Not very much mind you, but it’s something!

Join in as I bask in my own glory for a bit! Also, I’m gonna plot my next moves, so that the good times can keep on going!

Let’s get started, shall we?

1 – Basking time!

Man, I’m such a good crypto trader! By diversifying my holdings, I now have a profit of a whole 2%! Kappa

Seriously though, it’s been quite a journey! I considered selling when the Chinese gave off their crypto exchange shutdown warnings, and then again when we reached $3000 again. The feeling that I had wasted a lot of my money on a stupid hunch was almost overwhelming at times. I stuck by it, and finally, am rewarded. FeelsGood

Basking time is now over! It’s now time to think of a plan to stay like this!

2 – Gonna HODL for a while

HODL is one of the main words over at the r/Bitcoin subreddit. At the lack of more info, I assume it’s a memed up version of HOLD. I like it.

Indeed, while Ethereum and other cryptos have had some dips since the Chinese crackdown news, Bitcoin has set the pace for cryptocurrencies with its’ success. A quick look at tells you that the value of most cryptos are on the up and up.

As such, I think that the best course of action right now is to wait. Wait for prices to go down, for the bullish increase to stop. I cant predict when it will stop, but if there’s something I learned from my first purchase, it’s to not purchase when the prices are at record highs.

That said though, there are some goals I can make for when the euphoria passes…

3 - Gotta adquire more crypto!

In my last post, I explained why putting all your eggs in one basket isn't the best idea. I then invested a bit into Ethereum, diversifying my portfolio.

I plan to do even more in the future. My targets? NEO, Litecoin and Monero. Why though? Figure out... next time!

That wraps this up!

Sorry this article was shorter! I'm really feeling the pressure on my time slowly rising more and more :(

I'm still going to keep posting occasionally, but I might need to start cutting on the content when the going gets tougher. I'll do my very best not to let you down!

Also, you may have noticed, this was written a while ago. I was only able to post it now, due to time constraints. The market is a little shakier than it was when I wrote this, but I think I could still keep what I wrote in there, without outright lying.

I'll try to be more... current next time!

If you have some question or criticism, I insist you sound off in the comments below!

Till the next one guys! Steem on!

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