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MEDIBLOCK: The medical revolution in data management

In recent years the way in which data has been stored has undergone major changes, computer systems have provided a more efficient option not only to store them but to ensure the expeditious use of such information. A tangible sample of this digital revolution can be seen in the amount of Medical Data generated by a large number of patients, and they are being transformed and consolidated to guarantee their accessibility.
Normally we know that each patient generates a history about their conditions and / or ailments in one or several health centers. This information in some cases is stored in a physical and / or dispersed manner, without providing accessibility to patients, relatives and other doctors who need to study their background.

To answer and solve not only the problem of storage, organization and availability, but also to control the indiscriminate use of medical information for the benefit of large pharmaceutical companies MediBloc is born ; with the develoment of this new tool it will be a great alternative,

But what is it about?


"MediBloc, is a medical data platform that is developing its own chain of blocks. Put back the control of medical data in the hands of patients. The MediBloc platform also allows patients to share that data with the relevant parties. Blockchain technology is the perfect solution for the problems that currently affect medical records systems".

With MediBloc, the advantages that the Medical Data Industry will experience can be listed very simply:

  1. Immediate availability by patients, specialists and health centers, since the information is completely decentralized.
  2. Possibility of exchange of information for studies or pharmaceutical chains through rewards, with the endorsement of patients.
  3. Possibility of having the security system that characterizes the Blockchain.
  4. MediBloc is completely reshaping medical health data. In order to improve healthcare, they offer an open-source API and SDK. These are tools that developers can use to implement new services within the MediBloc platform.
  5. Reduction of long-term costs because of the reduction in paper and other storage media, these will be reduced to the slightest expression.
  6. Accuracy of data that allows more efficient treatments for patients.

MediBloc has not only changed the medical data industry, it has greatly impacted patients since they will have direct access to their records. Accessibility levels will allow them to access the main database and authorize those they consider.

"The access levels are designed in such a way that relatives and close relatives can make decisions on behalf of the owner of the data in case of emergency to ensure that the data is accessible to medical professionals. Otherwise, all data is strictly controlled by the owner of the account, and institutions wishing to access the data must receive permission from the owner".

This, among other benefits such as planning medical appointments expeditiously, allow access to laboratories for the preparation of medicines, reducing response times which would translate into quality treatments; availability of medical data anywhere in the world to any specialist; It has generated a great impact on patients, providing more safety, comfort and better results in their treatments and preventive care.

But how does Mediblock impact third parties? That is to insurance companies and researchers?

Insurance companies within their procedures to establish control of risks and obtain a balance in the accident rate, must make a rigorous study of patients and determine whether at the time of requesting their services already have a medical condition or if on the contrary it is a healthy person Mediblock is also a valuable tool that will allow benefits to both insurers and insured, this greatly reduces the uncertainty, both can establish the policy that best suits you. In addition, the patient will get rewards for the data provided.

"The institutions that carry out the studies can choose to offer MED rewards in exchange for the user's data, and users can choose whether to grant permission or not. Medical data is not only information, but also a valuable asset".

As for the researchers, among them the big pharmaceutical companies, they will also enjoy access to this information whenever they are authorized, the indiscriminate use of some of these companies will be minimized and the patient will benefit.

What is the effect of having established partnerships with large corporations in the MediBloc integration once MainNet is launched?

Undoubtedly Mediblock is having a great boost and support from large corporations that have come together and are working together to strengthen and leverage this great project.

Dr. Wookyun Kho, CEO and co-founder of MediBloc, said: "We will strive to achieve synergies that create best practices for blockchain-based companies, this partnership will be an opportunity to increase the competitiveness of the blockchain business of MediBloc and Deloitte" .
Kim Yuseok, Director of Deloitte and leader of the Deloitte Startup Advisory Group, said: "Collaboration among the main companies in the blockchain industry is essential, and we hope to strengthen our competitiveness for blockchain and ICO technology."

Now to get this tool available to everyone and optimize the service, the Mediblock team created 2 tokens, MED and MEDX.

Our team has decided to issue our own ERC20 token in order to gain access to more potential users. In addition, we expect our ERC20 token to have better liquidity since ERC20 is more widely accepted by the exchanges. To protect the rights of MED holders, we will issue the same number of ERC20 tokens as the QRC tokens currently issued and we will distribute the ERC20 token as a free release for MED holders in a 1: 1 ratio.

How is digital storage of medical data in the block chain superior to traditional methods of medical data storage?

The advantages of data storage through Blockchain are many, and throughout this article has been detailed many of these benefits. The most important thing is the decentralization of the medical data of the patients and the control of them in their hands, with the possibility of being paid in some cases. The safety of them, their organization and administration in a correct manner and immediate accessibility, among others.

Reliability and security are not feats limited to blockchain. The actual method of storing data in MediBloc does not include writing the data directly into the block chain, but storing it in an external storage (for example, IPFS, etc.). So only the hash value of the data is written to the blockchain. This is the simplest way to test the reliability of our system while minimizing the size of the data written in the block chain. With this method, it is easy to determine when data is manipulated: it can identify when someone besides the owner tries to handle the data. We believe that this will ensure the reliability of health care data. In addition, we plan to provide a patient / patient-centric encryption method and not a hospital-based encryption method.

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