Crypto Investing

Ha ha I laugh every time I think about my investment tatics. So I had about $700 bucks laying around in my ESPP "employee stock purchase plan"from the last go around ,and I figured I'll put that money to work for me by dabbling in the crypto market .

Well here I go I do my home work and read everything and watch everything I can get my hands on and I set up my accounts ..and I try to differcefy like everyone says ,don't keep all your eggs in 1 basket ...I have came to the conclusion when you have as little money as I have you can't expect to get rich making tons of small trades ..between the exchanges robbing you blind everytime you sell or buy anything ... I have the exact same amount as I started with thank god and all the tiny profits have been ate away by the fee's.
I'm not a professional investor but from the little experience I have done over the last few months , my opinion would be to find a good crypto coin that has a large following and is actively trying to build there future wait for the right moment for the price to drop and invest for the long term ..I can see now that if you want to make money off of trading crypto you have to have a lot of money :)so-all-i-do-is-enter-my-bank-details-and-they-send-me-the-money-from-nigeria-when-the-investment-comes-through.jpg

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