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Digitex Futures Sebuah bursa berjangka bebas komisi dengan cryptocurrency asli, token DGTX Baca kertas putih

About Digitex

Use blockchain technology to eliminate transaction rates, decentralize account balances and self-regulate themselves.
Traders speculate about the price of Bitcoin against the US dollar, but their trading profits and losses are paid in DGTX tokens. This means that traders need DGTX tokens to enter trades, and this creates DGTX token requests from traders.

Digitex includes tariffs on exchange work by making a small number of new tokens each year rather than charging transaction fees on trade. The commission-free futures market on a stable, fast and secure trading platform will attract a large number of traders who should buy DGTX tokens to participate, creating increased demand for DGTX tokens that offset the small inflation rates to create new tokens.

The Digitex Futures Exchange is a new project that disrupts the mission to change Bitcoin futures trading. Our ICO in January this year successfully raised $ 5.2 million in just 17 minutes. Fantastic start! Since that time, our team of professional programmers worked from our office in Dublin City Center to maximize exchange, which will be launched in Q4 2018.

For the first time, traders will be able to make a profit from a single digit change in cryptocurrency prices, without suffering a crippling commission that is exchanged for normal costs which makes it impossible to profit.

And when we say there is a zero-commission on the Digitex Futures Exchange, we mean exactly that. This is not a temporary free trial or marketing tactic to attract traders and then present costs part of the month later.


  • Trading Bitcoin futures with zero trade rates
  • Secure platform with decentralized accounts.
  • There are no transactions, brokers, data, deposits, or withdrawal rates = PROFIT.
  • Fast transaction time and completion time.
  • Intuitive stair interface.

For further issues regarding company development, issues and announcements, be sure to visit our blog. Don't miss the 2018 exchange revolution.

Commission Free Trade

By implementing authentic cryptocurrency, called the DGTX token, this exchange includes the cost of printing a new token, rather than charging transaction fees on the trade

Accounts Decentralized

All account balances are controlled by independent smart contracts that are decentralized on the Ethereum blockchain, not by exchange

Decentralized Governance

Traders at Digitex implement Decentralized Governance by Blockchain to consider how many new DGTX tokens will be issued and when.

*What is DGTX Token? Why Should We Buy It ?

DGTX tokens are not 'security' but "utility" tokens on Digitex Futures Exchange users should have DGTX tokens, authentic currencies from exchanges, to speculate around the price of Bitcoin because all settlement of profits and losses is carried out with the user's DGTX balance. Therefore, the demand for DGTX tokens will increase significantly when the exchange is launched at the end of this year, because thousands of traders interested in zero trading costs start buying DGTX tokens. This tells buying opportunities for traders who are willing to buy DGTX now at a low price to anticipate a surge in demand at the end of the year.

Buy and Trade DGTX Tokens

You can buy and market DGTX tokens on the following Mercatox Cryptocurrency currency exchange. When we prepare for launch, requests for DGTX tokens are desired to grow. Meanwhile, join our waiting list to receive initial access to the Digitex Futures Exchange and become one of the first to trade Bitcoin futures without any trading fees.

Definition of Investopedia:

Futures contracts are legal agreements to buy or sell certain commodities or assets at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future. Futures contracts are standardized for quality and quantity to facilitate trading on the futures exchange.

Future of Futures with Digitex

DGTX will be an independent and growing economy. Free trade will attract more users, which in turn will increase DGTX's liquidity because users buy DGTX to continue to implement Digitex Futures Exchange. Digitex is in a unique position to take over all futures markets with clear advantages compared to other exchanges - no rates!

It is clear that traders rushed to the platform!

What about Existing Exchanges?

In a well-defined and stable market, margins are really thin. Unlike Digitex Futures Exchange, exchanges currently have rates associated with trading futures contracts. On thin margins, these rates can easily make traders profit or even losing traders.

The above cost comparison between BitMEX and Digitex Futures Exchange is a good model of how a trader will be affected by a free exchange option. In the above model, the same trades on Digitex Futures Exchange realize a return of 400% more than the same trade in BitMEX.

The Digitex Token (DGTX) Economy

DGTX is the main reason that the Digitex Futures Exchange will be able to offer commission-free trading. Because all profits and losses are disclosed in DGTX, traders must have DGTX to utilize a commission-free system. This means that there will be a constant need for users to have DGTX tokens! This in turn determines that DGTX is always in demand. Because issuance of tokens is decided by users, they will be minimized to determine that inflation is as low as possible while continuing to maintain a healthy operating fund.

The costs associated with the operation of the Digitex Futures Exchange will be predicted and estimated transparently which will determine that the user understands how budget assumptions are determined and how operational funds are spent

For more information, watch this short video:

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