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Virtually Free Crypto

Want to get some Virtually Free Crypto then, hang around for a bit whilst I unpack why this is going to happen.

Ok, so the Crypto balloon goes up and it comes down. Yes its volatile and not for the faint of heart or those adverse to risk. Great rule of thumb "Never invest what you cannot afford to lose". It's new technology that only a few understand and even fewer understand to any real level. But like all new technologies, the best one's win out, so which will be the Alt Coins that take out BitCoin?

Your guess on that one is as good as mine, but just like the Boom and bust of 2000, the best technology will come to the fore, and those that are dodgy or unstable will go, do you remember that little Tech company selling books online, all my colleagues at the time told me "It will never take off" I like to feel the pages on my fingers, I like to be able to open a book and read it when I like, then came along Kindle.

So that little Tech company most of you now know as Amazon, not so little anymore, if you had of bought those 50c Initial Shares, would now be worth as of this morning $1,793.40 USD or $2653.76 AU in my native currency. Back then of course during the Dot.Com Bust, "The end of the Internet". Well as you may have noticed the Internet is alive and well and Dot.Com companies have thrived to such a point that the traditional retailers are closing their shops, Why? because everyone is buying their goods online.

"My current colleagues keep telling me how that Bitcoin (Crypto) is a fad it's going to die any day". Is that likely to be true, well did the Internet really end, No. Then there is your answer. Crypto is a better technology for the transfer of value in a digital age, it will win in the end.

What has this got to do with Crypto? Well everything, as I keep saying "The best Technology Wins, eventually". Now you might say well the Combustion engine wasn't the best technology but it won, for more than 100 years, and that is true but for the day in which it was invented invented it was the best technology for the time, electric cars were around but not very good, the old Lead acid batteries, just were not good enough to compete with GAS/Petrol powered cars, that is rapidly changing also.

So we are seeing a bit of a revolution and Crypto is leading the way, I'm not even sure if those creating the Crypto quite understand the change that this technology will bring to everyone. At the present time You and I are the Commodity that large corporations and social media platforms use to sell their service to "Advertisers", we have this many billion subscribers they say to their advertisers etc.

Those ads you see popping up "Wasting your precious time, CPU and brain power" those platforms are paid to promote those to you and they spend a lot of financial resources to make sure they are targeting the right people with the right message.

Which leads me to "virtually free Crypto"

However, we are seeing a small change in this mindset, why should I use my valuable time watching things I'm not interested in nor have any likelyhood of purchasing. What if, I only saw things that paid me to watch them, paid me in Say BAT coin or some other Token that I could exchange for Cash.

What if, I 'earned to learn', now that's a novel thought isn't it, I receive an little email from my good friends at Coinbase the other day, about that very same thing, 'earn to learn', I went and watched some really easy to watch video's with a simple question to test my understanding at the end, and guess what they paid me in Crypto. YES virtually free Crypto, friends I see this as the 'thin edge of the wedge', imagine advertisers paying us to watch their advertising or a new product launch pays the people who test the product in Crypto.

I wouldn't talk about something unless I've done it myself I signed up to Coinbase and verified my account, I watched the video's presented by Coinbase and did the little easy exam and I made some free Crypto.

Try it out and see how you go, have fun.

my link you may use if you wish to earn

Stellar Lumens:

others you can learn and earn
Dai, Zcash, Ox, BAT

for more info go to
