What ICO's Have Had the Highest Returns?


When I Look Over the List it Reminds me of Why I Love Investing in ICO's!


I took a break from ICO's for most of 2017 because I thought I would try my hand at trading the market. Looking back I would have done much better buying into one or two ICO's every month. When September came along my time became limited due to the launch of Token magic. I no longer could sit and trade for 6 hours per day.

Then Salt happened. My friends were making a killing off of this ICO and I knew what Salt was going to change the space. FOMO set in and I began to look for another platform that would do something similar to Salt. That is when I found EthLend. It was literally the first day of their Pre-ICO. I dipped my toe in because I was wary of tying too much money up in an ICO for 3-6 months.

Then the ETHLend ICO sold out and the tokens hit the exchanges. Within months I was up 25X. I never touched my tokens and do not plan to for a year. I believe this project will be huge. Below is a list of tokens that I bought during ICO over the last few months that I think will do very well.

  1. Decent.Bet up as much as 7.5X since ICO.
  2. INS Ecosystem up as much as 4X since ICO.
  3. Halo Platform tokens are not trading yet.
  4. Fluz Fluz ICO is ongoing.
  5. Copytrack ICO is ongoing and they have a 30% bonus until tomorrow.

With These Kinds of Returns It Makes No Sense in Me Trading All Day Long.

Trading is quite stressful for me. Sure I love the excitement of having huge days but the bad days can break a man. So in 2018 I have vowed to buy ICO's and HODL the tokens for the whole year. I have a friend who has been doing this since he bought his first ICO. That first ICO for him was Ethereum. He literally has not touched his Ethereum ICO funds. Every few weeks he invests in a new ICO, that he finds interesting, and HODL's the tokens. As you can imagine he is very very wealthy now.

So far this strategy is working out great for me. If you are interested in ICO's feel free to join the ICO Hunters Group on Facebook. I am an admin of the page. Happy Hunting!

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