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The world of finance has grown by the blockchain market, making large companies have to adapt to this technology.

BUMO is a project in which networks are created to carry out transactions of values ​​by blockchain in an easier and faster way.

All those who work with blockchain know that one of their deficiencies is the time required to carry out a transaction, due to various factors that delay movements.

What makes BUMO unique compared to other public channels?

BUMO is unique in its area, since it has special characteristics that place it above the others.

First, the processing speed handled by BUMO is immense. This has the ability to perform up to 10,000 transactions per second, allowing a speed very difficult to match.

Another factor that makes BUMO unique is that it does not need powerful computers to sustain its network, since with its network it can be maintained through the use of common intelligent devices. This creates accessibility for companies interested in acquiring this new technology.

How can BUMO help some companies with security, scalability and performance problems in the implementation of blockchain?

Previously we mentioned that BUMO does not need a large-scale investment for its implementation, this helps companies with fewer resources and helps others to better manage their expenses.

At the same time, BUMO offers the company a new tool for greater flow, which greatly increases its scalability and performance.

Why is secure transfer of value so important?

A value is equal to an asset, for this reason it can be defined as the user's capital. The transfer must be done with the maximum possible security since the assets of the user in question are handled.

how important is the security and speed of the data?

Both financial security and company data must be handled with extreme care, and in the most efficient way possible. For this reason BUMO has as a priority the speed of each movement made by the company.

Since BUMO is not restricted to powerful computers to run nodes, how can this help mass adoption?

We know that the implementation of blockchains at the company level has not been adopted in a massive way, for this reason BUMO makes it easier for companies to obtain these technologies.

BUMO can support your network from any intelligent device, leaving aside high-end computers that could mean higher expenses for companies. In this way BUMO makes an effort to reach more users, and thus helping to massively adopt this technology.

use cases

An automaker places sensors on the cars it sells, with the purpose of offering guarantees if they fail.

Using the BUMO technology in the sensors, they can calculate the different data following a pattern to determine how much the expenses will be covered.

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