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Goldilock: Securing users against data storage inaccessibility and hacking


Globally, the world is experiencing an ever changing dynamism with recent trends of Cryptocurrency mining activities, virtual gaming development, virtual tokens appraisals, digital asset computation, cryptography, decentralized systems, blockchain technology infusion, peer to peer exchange transactions, cloud computing, online data storage and a host of technological activities. All these activities and transactions due to technology have ushered in an involvement of artificial intelligence (AI), virtuality (The use of online model adaptation to depict real life situations), and management information system (MIS) in companies which keeps progressing while ever getting better. So much so that individuals, firms, organizations, startup companies and application developers have a host of options of applications, programmes and software to choose from. It makes the world a happy and accessible digital world to live in with a convenient snap of the fingers.

The Current Problem

With the mass adoption of Cryptocurrency, virtual wallet creation, management of digital assets, virtual token earnings and the development of virtual computing, some major shortcoming of these activities is the access to security, reliable storage, and the use of outdated software to carry out prompts, commands and actions. In today’s world Cryptocurrency investors and digital asset managers are saddled with the private responsibility of keeping safe their passwords and private keys or either opting for cold and hot storage solutions which are prone to malware, unauthorized access, hacking and storage system collapse.
Companies with encrypted cold storage services like Coinbase and Xapo were at inception sought after, but recently, these groups have been characterized with the shortcomings of limited accessibility which does not satisfy most users, institutions and organizations. Other options like paper and USB (Universal Serial Bus) keys are not any better as they haven’t met the needs of constant accessibility and security. Due to selfish interest of smart thieves and by-passed protocols abuse of these storage services, likewise computing devices have been mishandled, damaged and stolen.


In developed nations of the world, hacking activities (a modernized form of online theft and privacy interference) according to statistics is a bit on the high side as illegal bright minds, youngsters, college rookies, nerds, and IT specialists turned villain hackers have adopted hacking into their lifestyle and are constantly making huge fortunes out of it by siphoning data, manipulating records, hacking into the data base of banks, companies, renowned firms and organizations that make use of digitized storage and computing services. This automatically awakens one’s consciousness to the fact that the traditional digital asset storage industry can be comprised any day and at any time. Hackers can tap into the data base of organizations on the comfort of their beds. With the externalities and interferences of these hacking activities, mismanagement of data, inaccessibility to data storage as at when due, this has necessitated the need for a safe and secure data storage platform that cannot be compromised.

What is []?

[] is a viable, scalable, and secure crypto based key custody solution for both individuals and institutions, granting them the leverage to safe keep their keys. [] is a revolutionized data storage system that is built on an eco system to secure cryptocurrencies and digital assets for individuals, firms and organizations. [] is already active, with an already functioning platform launched in the second quarter of this year; it has helped in achieving remote physical disconnection of data from the internet.

What [] offers?

[] offers safe key custody that enables institutions to adopt crypto investments in their transactions. The major limitations of companies have always been the inaccessibility to key custody nursing the fear of exploitation and looting by externalities. But with [] the solution to such a problem is actualized. Cryptocurrency investors and digital asset managers are guaranteed the security they have always desired because [] offers multi-factor authentications, biometrics regressive technology triggers and cryptography in order to transfer the burden and cumbersome related intricacies associated with keeping wallets secure away from individual investors to [] physically segregated platform.


[] provides uninterrupted accessibility to users through a dynamic offline data procedure that comes online when it is needed and goes offline when it is not at anywhere and anytime. Going offline limits the access of hacking activities as most of these acts are perpetrated through constant online data storage.

Blockchain Adoption and Adaptability to multiple economical sectors

[] technology enables the application of blockchain as it enhances private key custody which is pivotal to all decentralized transactions. This also cuts across traditional internet environments by providing utmost security to data which is applicable to the storage of health records, bank account information, personal credit information and likewise vulnerable digital assets that are perpetually prone to looting, siphoning and hacking activities.

Use Cases

Riley Bradford (fictional character) is a U.S based crypto financial investor who runs an office of the sale of virtual tokens from his home through his internet powered PC (Personal Computer). Through these transactions, Riley has made quite a fortune for himself by amassing quite a reasonable volume of virtual tokens with the intent of exchanging them for fiat currency when the digital market is viable. After a couple of months, Riley’s PC gets hacked by the formidable online hacking Trojan called Dark Web. In no time, Riley’s virtual tokens have been wiped to a clean slate leaving him with the alternate fiat money he saved in the bank at the beginning of the year which is approximately $150. At the time Riley got hacked, if he had sold his virtual tokens at the digital market he would earn over 100 times the amount he has in his bank account. This leaves him devastated. [] is introduced to Riley through his Indian friend Aryan who is also a crypto financial investor. Riley acknowledges his losses, gets back on his feet, secures his Cryptocurrency wallet with Goldilock and wears an ever smiling face since then.

[] and its dynamism

[] is developed and fully equipped such that it renders safe key and data storage services to both institutions and individuals who are in cogent need of outstanding and reliable security for the digital assets and virtual tokens in their possession. This gives them a rest assured platform void of compromise and inaccessibility as at when due.

The three core premises of []

That users need access to their personal data quickly, but occasionally and for short periods of time. Otherwise, online data is more useful to hackers than rightful owners
That personal data (including private keys) must be isolated, secured from physical contact and related human error, and fully backed up.
That personal data and private keys must be quickly accessible when needed.
With Golidlock’s patent-pending technology it grants access to private key custody and personal storage, also promoting constant accessibility by delivering the following:
Physical airgap disconnection from electronic networks
Dedicated per-user hardware for processing storage of encrypted data
Regressive connectivity and signal processing

Biometric gateways

Device recognition

Personal generated codes

Scalable physically-segregated connectivity solutions

Two-Factor Authentication

Optional multi-signature security

Secured physical vaults

Multisite encrypted data backup

Secure dashboards and live reporting on access and usage

Fully-insured third-party guarantees for the extraction and delivery of data to owners on demand or in the case of business disruption

For more information and resources, kindly check out the following:

Goldilock Website

Goldilock WhitePaper

Goldilock Tokenomics

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