Busy, yet Productive...

Good Lord, just realized its been a week since my last post. Ever have one of those weeks where everything seems to happen all at the same time? That's what I've been through, a continuous assault of stuff, but I can honestly say I got a lot done.

I'm still dealing with the tail end of this nasty cold that just won't go away (mine always last much longer than most people's do). Although it is good to see the recovery in the crypto prices, and I would love to see $HIVE continue to inch ever upwards.

I've been reading a lot about how our sanctions against so many other countries (I need a spreadsheet to keep up), is causing them to band together outside of our financial networks, much to our long-term detriment.

When will we ever learn?

Looks like we're about to enter a THIRD war in South America, which will further drain our coffers and empty our armory. It's like one fucking war after another. I was so pumped when we got the fuck out of Afghanistan, and wondered what the Military Industrial Complex would do to keep the profits rolling in. Now we know...

I'm almost at the point now where I'm ready for us to start charging countries that demand that we swoop in and save their ass. "You want the US to intervene in you war and help you win? Which Provence or State will you ceed to America in payment to us?"

Because at the end of the day, it's the US taxpayers that end up paying for these foreign adventures, and if these parasites had to give up a sliver of their land to us in advance, there'd be a lot less requests for America to act as the world police on our own dime.

Now we're supposed to go down and save some country called Guyana (that most Americans couldn't find on the map if their life depended on it). We'll spen a shit-ton of money, and for what? We save them and get what out of it?

Absolutely nothing.

We spend taxpayer money to save some foreign country, and then two years from now they'll be burning the American flag and shouting "Yankee go home!" Fuck Guyana. It's none of our business, and they'll just go right back to hating the US after we save them.

I saw all of that shit when I was in the Navy. Anti-American demonstrations at port after port. US flags set on fire in the central square. Sailors being spat on and refused service. I was a teenager watching all of this and I was shocked. I had no idea the United States was hated so much, and it fueled my beliefs that we need to stay the fuck out of other countries affairs, and look after our own, especially our homeless military veterans.

Yet the moment they get in trouble... CALL AMERICA TO THE RESCUE!

They only like us when they need us.

Enough with the forever wars.

However, it does seem as if some of the BRICS that we've sanctioned, have started using crypto to get around being blocked from SWIFT which is used in our banking system. It's as if we cut off our nose to spite our face, as that old saying goes. The threat of de-dollarazation is real, and I wonder when we'll wake up to that fact.

Here, I am beginning to see slightly more of an interest in crypto, which is saying a lot, as the Luddites here have resisted it for so long. It might be because of the rise in the price of Bitcoin, which seems to attract a portion of the masses only when the price is heading up. The moment it drops, they scatter like cockroaches when a light is turned on.

And so it goes.

As for me, I just keep on, keeping on. Continuing to feed my insatiable thirst for knowledge of all things big and small, which helps me to grow as a person every day. I'm so glad that I have this place as an out to get what's inside out, and hope the same for you. Until next time...

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