RE: MY issue with crypto. whats yours?

I agree there but funny enough I put aside about %5 of my stack bout 2-3 weeks ago to day/short term trade. I spent it all on stellar at around the 80c mark and it has sat there ever since. Whole day trading thing not going so well lol

My theory now or more so when the market starts moving again is look to off load the high circulation coins for a profit and only hodl the low Circ coins that have a real value to them.

So short term trade the high Circ ones to make money to invest in the good low Circ ones.

I’m finding coins with high circulation no matter how brilliant just keep getting pumped and dumped.
The total market cap has to move so much for them to even go past a few dollars and first sign of a dip they drop so hard. What are your thoughts on the type of coins to hodl? Got an idea of what a good exit price for Verge and tron are?

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