How To Withdraw Your Ether From The Dao Contract

Many users have been requesting the necessary steps needed to be taken in order to withdraw refunded Ether from "The DAO". I've taken these steps from the official ethereum stack exchange and should help if you are willing to use the official "Mist Wallet".

Withdrawing Using Ethereum Wallet:

Make sure that you have downloaded Ethereum Wallet 0.8.1 or later.

The first time you start Ethereum Wallet 0.8.1, select "Yes" to the question "Do you want to activate the chain in which funds linked to the exploit are restored to a contract where they can be withdrawn by The DAO token holders?". You have now made the choice to use the hard-forked Ethereum chain.

If you have not already added a watch on The DAO contract, see The DAO - How to add and watch the DAO contract. This step will give you access to approve the transfer of DAOs to the Withdrawal contract.

Add a watch on The DAO Withdrawal contact. Use the same procedure as in the link directly above, but set:

Contract Name: The DAO Withdrawal
Contract Address: 0xbf4ed7b27f1d666546e30d74d50d173d20bca754
JSON Interface: [{"constant":false,"inputs":[],"name":"trusteeWithdraw","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[],"name":"withdraw","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"mainDAO","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"trustee","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"type":"function"}]
23:47 20/07/2016 AEST - I have confirmed that the process below using the Ethereum Wallet works

Approve The Transfer Of Your DAOs To The Withdrawal Contract

Get the account address from which you want to convert your DAOs into ETHs

Under the Wallet menu, select the account from which you want to convert DAOs into ETH.
Double click on the account address and copy the address into your clipboard using Control-C in Linux or Windows, or Command-C on a MacBook.
Get the balance of the account from which you want to convert your DAOs into ETHs

In the Contract menu, select The DAO contract.
Scroll down to the Balance of function under the Read From Contract column on the left.
Paste the address in your clipboard into the owner-address field.
Double click on the Balance displayed and copy the balance into your clipboard using Control-C in Linux or Windows, or Command-C on a MacBook.
Approve the transfer of your account's DAO balance to the Withdrawal contract address

In the Contract menu, select The DAO contract.
Under the Write To Contract column on the right, select the Approve function.
Paste the balance from your clipboard into the amount-256 bits unsigned integer field using Control-V in Linux or Windows, or Command-V on a MacBook.
Enter the Withdrawal contract address 0xbf4ed7b27f1d666546e30d74d50d173d20bca754 in the spender-address field.
Under the Execute from field, select the account from which you want to convert your DAOs into ETHs.
Leave the Send ETHER field as 0.
Click on Execute and enter your account password.
You should get a transaction confirmation message.
Execute The Withdrawal Contract Function

Withdraw ETH from the Withdrawal contact

In the Contract menu, select The DAO Withdrawal contract
Under the Write To Contract column on the right, select the Withdraw function.
Under the Execute from field, select the account from which you want to convert your DAOs into ETHs.
Click on Execute and enter your account password.
You should get a transaction confirmation message.
Wait a short while and your ether balance should update. If not, restart Ethereum Wallet.

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