A friend recently bought some IOTA and asked me what I thought... here’s my reply:

Nice just sit on it... solutions/products i.e. dApps decentralised apps, won’t start appearing till at least a year from now... 2019 then they’ll be a flood of dApps and the price will jump...

In a couple of years, 2020, the cream rises to the top and you’ll see really intuitive practical solutions for everyday people to use in their everyday lives...

Then boom... the bitcoin fever will truly have set into society, iota will have jumped again and a tsunami of everyday people with a regular understanding of what crypto is all about, blockchain and decentralisation of systems, and who never owned shares in any company before but now can easily with a few taps on their phone

Iota will be a household name like IBM in 5 years time

Agree, disagree, thoughts?

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