MediBloc: ♦Medical record of the hand of computer science♦.


Medical Records The medical records of a patient is nothing more than the analysis and processing of data of an individual, in the personal is the attention that is given to a user from the moment he enters a hospital until his admission as well as tenth in our career For many years I have been doing this career which is called RECORDS AND HEALTH STATISTICS to which I belong for more than 15 years. I have always asked myself the same questions since I decided to immerse myself in the medical field. very small state surrounded by medical statistics and everything in that area is handled When I started my career I saw with great concern the use and the way in which the information that is collected from the medical records of a patient is processed since many years ago it was done manually and with a palote as we say here in my country (Venezuela) I always wondered, well, why is not the information automated? Why is not the patient's data archived in a computerized form? Those were the first questions I always asked myself when I started my career, since I always saw with great concern The failures that brought the user to the institution the model that was implemented there. Over the years I was responding and I spoiled those questions that led me to others.

The automation of information as valuable as the medical records of a patient leads to much respectability and in hospitals there is no account or account at that time with qualified personnel to perform this task with the passage of the years that the university has created. method to include the technology to the race bringing with it the advance in the same one.

When I started my career I always had the concern of taking the programming to the work plane since I have always had it in my academic preparation, I remember that when I first arrived at the medical record service it was simply the secretary of the boss I saw with great concern that she was always running from one side to the other with great desperation, always afraid to ask what was happening to her until one day I discovered the reason for her desperation and understood why her anguish, should empty the statistical information from the medical records from the hospital where we worked that was not small since it is a type 4 hospital which means that the information to be processed is quite large and I had to do it by hand. I went there where I said and because I did not implement the use of computers in this and I armed myself of courage to address her within her anguish and I proposed to create a program that would be responsible for doing the counting that she did to hand, his expression was amazed told me and that that can be? to which I answered of course.

Not only for statistical information is technology and decentralization necessary in hospitals but also for the management of patient records

The monthly statistics was nothing more than the worry in my site of work the loss of information, the loss of the stories that every day becomes more frequent the bad handling of the information are one of the many problems that the lack of decentralization has brought to the hospitals here in Venezuela, the lack of personnel that is responsible for their management has brought as a consequence the delay in the patient service loan bringing as negative consequences the patient, the doctor and the institution since the information that is handled for the poor patient's attention which leads to poor evaluation of it.

¿What happens when it's your turn to be a patient?

A phrase that you always hear in the corridors of hospitals if you have to be as a patient that arias, we as health personnel are not excepted to be as a patient but the fear of being is bigger because you know the faults that are there , a clear example of mine I am a patient with a chronic disease and one day I spend a whole morning waiting for my story to be obtained so that I could be evaluated not only my fear as I must be treated in other centers In and out of my home state the lack of decentralization has brought me as a consequence complications in my treatment since I always have to carry my clinical history from one side to the other taking with it expenses that involve the paperwork of the same

When I met Blockchain

Since I began to enrich myself in the field of blockchain I realized the benefits of the blockchain for a decentralized health information system (MediBloc)
The use of this program brings satisfactory benefits to the user because as we all know, patients, providers or health organizations can collaborate using it Blockchain, intelligent contracts allow us block chain also represent an advance when it comes to managing digital assets. The intelligent contract works through instant execution software, which makes them ideal for coding and processing information. It could be the definitive solution to completely maintain privacy in each person's medical history, while greatly expediting the process of communication and exchange of documents between patients, doctors and health institutions.

Another benefit of the Blockchain is the chain of blocks. A chain of blocks works like a distributed ledger in which data, transactions and any other type of viable information are recorded, its level of security is given by the condition of decentralization that maintains the system.
Currently the data of medical histories, suppliers of medicines, insurance and other health institutions, are managed under a centralized database can be difficult to integrate can often hinder access to information. Another disadvantage is manifested in how vulnerable platforms of this type can be.

How a medibloc ecosystem would work in the health sector.

It is frequent the presence of personal diligence errors such as the loss of data or the manipulation of the same, in such a way that they are inconveniences that appear as a lack in the current management method.

The medibloc technology thanks to its immutability and the time stamp of each block, would avoid the presence of these eventualities guaranteeing the immediate availability of the data, as well as the truth that they are accurate and have not been altered at any time .

Likewise, the vulnerability to which central servers are subject to suffer any kind of attacks intended to steal or destroy any type of information, would be solved by the decentralization of the platform and the work of the nodes in the network.

New alternatives in the payment of health services is another of the advantages that medibloc would offer us
Being a technology closely linked to finance, this could not be an aspect left aside in the provision of health care services, innovating and facilitating new forms of payment in the different types of centers dedicated to this area.

The implementation of smart contracts would play an important role in the industry, allowing both the hiring of specialists, as well as health plans or insurance for users. In addition, medibloc technology would open the door to new alternatives in terms of payment methods, either through a cryptocurrency or the creation of a token by a company dedicated to health.

Obstacles to the adoption of medibloc in this field

Health systems are very traditional in the management of their operations, so it is not a simple task for an emerging technology to become so easily part of its operation.

The integration of what its processes suppose with a totally different platform, deserves a drastic change to which they must adapt progressively.
On the other hand, in the presence of a huge number of smaller or larger institutions and other types of care centers, the evolution to medibloc technology would not be an economic procedure taking into account the large differences in operability and all the resources that would suppose the adoption.

Similarly, another obstacle in the introduction of this technology that could be manifested, are some laws that govern health or future regulations in the aspects related to this technology.
However, due to the improvements it can bring and its ability to adapt, it may not represent such a significant obstacle

Advantages of medibloc adoption in the field of health

The advantages that we would get talking as a patient is that having a decentralized database patients could have better access to their history bringing with it the benefit of being treated where they want in a small meeting I had as a family I discussed the case of which would be the benefits that the medibloc platform would bring to each one of the members of my family in which they answered: first the information can be taken directly from doctor to doctor, second you could obtain economic benefits of your history since it can be used when wish you can be taken into account for academic studies and third that the decentralization of it allows you not to be tied to a state or country because you can not take your health information everywhere. How happy it would be if you could implement this great idea in the hospitals where I work are a great suggestion regarding the great benefits that today with the development of this work I have proven.

For more information watch this short introduction:

This article was written by @Carol24 for the @originalworks writing contest sponsored by MediBloc ¡

If you want more information about the contest I invite you to visit the blog entered Here


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