Typo's and miss prints make the wolrd go around. Sin Tax Errors our common. Can You spot them!

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TL:DR Version
The Agora Broadcast (telegram.me/AgoraBC) is a focused aggregate of the parts of an Idea, as built.
This is a one-way broadcast.

The Agora Chat (telegram.me/AgoraChat) is a public chat associated with Bodhis.Agora, and allows real-time communication, with yours truly, Bodhi Agora.
This is a two-way public group.

I welcome everyone! Yes, even you, Mr. Fed Agent, welcome!
Even if you're just bored and want to talk to someone, anyone, welcome!
Even if your English isn't great, or you feel as if you can't understand:
I take that as willingness to teach and learn.

I am grateful and you are welcome!

I reject "That's too smart for me." Or "I'm not smart enough."
-[laziness and doubt piss me off]-

I've been mocked, my ideas deemed 'bullshit'
or a 'waste of time'
or 'pot headed"
or 'disjointed awful nonesense'

My present favorite opinions of my work:
'esoteric platitudes' and 'empty'
-[Fantastic compliment when you think about what I'm ACTUALLY trying to do]-

I've been called everything under the sun from an "asshole" to a "re re" to being related to a sexually, socially, personally repressed awkward basement dwelling key-board warrior living in his mother's basement.
-[I assure you, it's been more than a week since those days, I wish]-

I've even had ideas hijacked, stamped, and signed, by others.
Totally dismissed to resurface, perverted and presented back to me or for me.
Hours upon hours of work, bastardized, misconstrued, misrepresented, and misunderstood.

I am grateful and you are welcome!

Please, steal my work. Rip it to pieces.
Try to destroy it. Try to pervert it.
Try to use it against me, against anyone.
Sell it. Underprice my own shop.
Slander it. Report it. Mock it. Copy it.
Flood every contest I enter. Please.

I am grateful and you are welcome!

The worst you can do is ignore it and walk away.

I welcome ALL of this. It is but an opportunity to eat false idols and cull wasted breathe. If anyone ever has anything to say, you know how to reach me.

To help with this, I do speak a bit of Crowman, which I will gladly teach you as I discover it.

My goal: build a graphic/lingual mememic 'bridge' accessible enough to permit practical interactions across all existing and future platforms and languages.
We'll see how long it takes :) It's already started!

I always reserve the right to boot anyone and delete anything for any reason. Problems start when discussion stops.

Ahataba Etehebe,
Bodhi Bless You

Message me on Telegram: [@BodhiAgora]
Or use the link: https://telegram.me/BodhiAgora
The Agora Broadcast https://telegram.me/AgoraBC
The Agora Chat https://telegram.me/AgoraChat

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