Bits And Bytes July 9/20

# Aave launches new service for unsecured peer-to-peer loans on Ethereum

Partnering with OpenLaw, Aave now has a newly-introduced service that allows users to issue loans without requiring a collateral deposit.
Aave depositors can use the credit delegation system to “delegate their credit lines” to others, according to Aave’s founder and CEO on Twitter.
Users will benefit from agreeing on a smart contract that details the loan’s terms and conditions, without the need to deposit a larger amount than borrowed.
#** Matic Network Launches an Initiatives Program for Mainnet Adoption****

Matic Network has just launched “Large Scale Developer Initiatives” program to incentivize mainnet adoption.
These initiatives cater to DApp developers from project inception to fully-fledged and operational stages.
Campaigns include a Build-n-Earn feature, which provides a monthly recurring incentive to bootstrap developers’ teams, and the Matic Layer 2 Security Hackathon with bounties of $50,000 and above.

# Cryptocurrency Exchange Kraken Adds New Banking Option for US Users

Users can now make bank wire transfers from their accounts at MVB Bank to fund cryptocurrency transactions with U.S. dollars.
The maximum limits are dependent on the user's account level on Kraken, while the minimum deposit and withdrawal limits have been set at $20.
According to Kraken, they recommend its users switch to the new service, saying funding would be faster with MVB.

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