Lets Jump On Some Ethereum News Today

Some Updates On Ethereum.png

This should hopefully be a big month at the end just 25 days left in it and we should be getting the big update to Ethereum we expected last month.

In the news we have Wyoming Senate passing a bill that makes other coins INCLUDING Ethereum a legal form of money. YAY

Ethereum is poised for a dominating 2019 after a very bearish 2018. This comes in the form of a few things and a few things needing to happen they are...

  1. Continued adoption and use cases for Ethereum, currently a number of Fortune 500 companies do use Ethereum and this is expected to grow this year.

  2. Releases this is the big one, We have been waiting forever for Constantinople and Casper along with a few others. These changes will greatly drive up the price and adoption rate of Ethereum. If 2019 holds both of these updates we should be in for a massive bull run late 2019 into 2020 when Casper is estimated to go live.

  3. 2018 was a serious slump and it seems like bitcoin and Ethereum take the brunt of the storm. It also seems that since crypto is traded 24/7 it reacted faster the stock markets. The stock market should slip into recession or simply a great bear market in 2019 but I have a feeling Ethereum and Crypto will be the new bull run.

Ethereums ASIC- Resistant PoW Algorithm gets delayed until third- party audit. It really is the right move but still you never can fully test EVERYTHING till it goes live to the world. Many devs are starting to get frustrated at how slow things are going and I believe investors are feeling it as well. What needs to happen is faster development with more smaller pushes so we can see progress and then correct issues quickly instead of waiting and waiting. Pull the trigger!

On the flip side ETH moves forward with Geth and Parity for Constantinople. These are small changes I was hoping for in order to at least make progress. Geth allows for a 2nd fork Petersburg that disables EIP-1283 which gives it a smoother transition.


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