Decentralizing the Internet one buggy MVP at a time

Minimum viable programs are not fully functional, yet they are displayed with the hidden, " use at own risk warnings". Investors like to see the company make the effort to produce a kind of working program with bugs, they applaud the effort with a short sighted understanding of the actual capability of the company. The public uses one of these mvps like metamask only to discover the bug has taken their funds. Poof, thousands of dollars worth of beautiful money gone in a blink of a computer screen eye. Investors have no interest other than is it worth investing in. Tron does not have any MVP yet to tinker with neither does Eos but investors are believing trx and eos when they promise to be able to overcome the technological barrier and create the next generation of the internet. Decentralized and using your computer power. Regulatory commissions need to address this dilemma. But they would rather make atomic swaps illegal and collect the ignorance is bliss money. People should not be victimized and then brushed under the rug by either of these organizations.

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