The Battle for Human Autonomy

One of the first real tests of freedom from outside intervention and manipulation was the early stages of America. Of course, human nature being the same throughout the centuries dictated very little interest in the founding and forging of the new country and constitution. Only a "few brave men" were involved in the struggle, compared to a majority of mostly indifferent masses.
After the dust settled, a simple question was asked to one of the founding members: What do we have here? Answer: "What we have here is a Representative Republic, if we can keep it".
Now, in the wake of that failed attempt, this is possibly our last chance to get it right. Bitcoin and the new blockchain technologies that are following, have a real chance to allow freedom to come to humanity without intervention from nefarious characters.
So we have to ask ourselves a simple question: What do we have here? Answer: What we have here is Etherium Classic, if we can keep it.

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