DECENT - Decentralized Content Distribution Platform

What is DECENT

DECENT is a Blockchain based decentralized autonomous organization that will run with no third party intervention. It is a Decentralized Open Source Content Distribution Platform for creative people, authors, bloggers, publicists and the fans and followers allowing borderless publishing of any text, picture, video or music content. DECENT is acting as a resourceful and independent unit. It allows information sharing without any boundaries and restrictions. The platform is dedicated to the freedom of speech. It is served by the P2P network and secured by cryptographic and Blockchain technology. Sharing information is easy and protected. No third parties can control or influence the content. 

Main characteristics of DECENT are: 


DECENT is owned directly by its users and will never be affiliated with any economic, media or political party . It is  a piece of software that you can run. However, once people  download and start running it, its creators no longer hold any control over it. Similar to how Bitcoin is developed, DECENT foundation updates and improves the code which is open source so anyone can see the changes made to it. Anyone can fork it, alter it for his/her uses or simply not update it. The whole power lies with its users. 


Our aim is to eliminate all political and geographical barriers in the publishing segment, so people around the world will have the same opportunity to express themselves freely. Thanks to its P2P nature firewalls are ineffective, since the content isn’t served only from one but many computers at the same time. Therefore it is practically impossible for any organization or government to block it. 


DECENT is fully decentralized and not dependent on any single server thanks to utilizing the blockchain. With no single point of failure the access to the information is boundless. 


On DECENT platform every author starts at the same level. They work to build high reputation through the quality and engagement of the content published. Readers take into account author’s reputation when deciding if the content is worth purchasing. The bottom line is – the better content, the higher chance for authors to gain exposure and high profits. 


Readers can buy content directly from their favourite authors. There are no cuts taken by DECENT and never will be. Developers are free to build their own apps and monetize them by their will. All without paying any hidden fees to middlemen or any third parties like media houses. 

Spam free 

Our spam-free mechanism makes the extensive publishing very expensive for spammers, while keeping the resources available for legitimate authors. 

Secure & Anonymous 

Authors can publish the content anonymously. If the authors do not want, no one can reveal their identity. Similarly, all the content shared via DECENT is fully encrypted and available to the people of authors’ choice: either paying ones or non-paying ones. 


Thanks to DECENT recommendation authors and their pieces of work get feedback from verified content purchasers. This feedback is embedded in the blockchain all the time and good authors can get decent reputation over time. 

DECENT: Who can use it & why

  • Book, blog, podcast and video Authors 
  • Free speech activists and supporters, whistle-blowers 
  •  Cryptocurrency miners, data centers 
  •  App builders 
  •  Publishing houses, media oriented webs 
  •  Data center providers 

DECENT: Technical description 

DECENT is an autonomous Type I Decentralized Application (Dapp)  enabling digital content publishing. It has its own 22 independent blockchain , which is a public distributed ledger of all 23 the transactions that will occur since the genesis block (beginning 24 of the use of DECENT protocol). 

DECENT has 3 functional roles: 

  • Authors: content makers, writers, music producers, etc. 
  • Content Consumers: readers, listeners, viewers 
  • Publishers: miners 

More information about the concept of DECENT is available in  DECENT Whitepaper (

As stated by Founder of DECENT and one of the project’s leaders  Matej Michalko:

DECENT platform aims to provide place for digital content sharing. It’s not meant to become a new social media platform. Rather we want to create a place for publishing of media such as video or music content, e-books and online newspapers. As DECENT is based on open-source principle, people can make their own applications on top of DECENT protocol entirely tailored for their needs. The future plan for DECENT is to start a digital revolution to  allow people to share and get the information or creative work without intervention of profit-oriented corporations. On DECENT, only people decide which content is either reliable or worthful. Simply said, they create the platform itself. By supporting decentralization and authenticity, the content distribution is based on people’s preferences. The common consensus will create much more relevant content database without unnecessary intermediaries. Everyone who joins the platform will therefore become a part of the future by helping us to create it. 
 Later on, to make things as easy as possible, there will be an App store where anyone can download the applications both for iOS and Android just like they do it nowadays. What makes it different from anything we know today is blockchain technology that brings security and transparency and lowers fees due to the elimination of third parties, e.g. publishing houses. With this approach, authors earn more money while the customers pay less. 
From basic user’s point of view, DECENT will be a user-friendly platform where he/she can find a lot of interesting content and information. From a more experienced user’s point of view, it can be the opportunity to create very own applications or online media platforms or a place for presenting his or her creative work. 

Demonstration of elementary functionalities of digital content distribution platform - DECENT is available here:

Tai Zen tweeted that they are scheduling an interview with the DECENT platfrom developers:

DECENT Software Sale begins on the 10th of September 2016!

The Software Sale will take place here:  DECENT Software Sale is one-time opportunity to join the digital revolution and become a part of the blockchain-driven future of media. After the Software Sale new tokens are going to be generated only as a reward for mining. 
The initial price is 5000 DCT / 1 BTC and will change as Software Sale progresses. This means the earlier someone participates the more he/she gets for the same value. There are bonuses and bounties for early supporters planned as well. The complete amount of distributed tokens is not limited and will depend on the actual participation. 
The proceeds from the Software Sale will be primarily used to fund development of the future releases of DECENT, e.g. protocol optimization and its maintenance. This also covers associated operational, administrative and logistical outlays such as paying for network infrastructure & bandwidth. The rest of the funds will be allocated to legal expenses and marketing and community outreach costs. 


DECENT TIMES:  xplore DECENT’s journey, discover the latest news from the world of technology or just browse through a bunch of interesting information and have fun. All in one place – The Decent Times:

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