The Crossfit Games Open 2018 - Week 1


The first week of the Open 2018 kicked off with a live announcement last night. The first workout this year is:
8 toes to bar
10 dumbbell clean and jerk (50/35 lbs)
14/12 calories row


The Open is, as the name implies, a competition that is open for anyone. The best individual male and female athletes and teams in each region will qualify to compete in the Refionals. The top finishers in the regionals get to go to the Crossfit Games in Madison Wisconsin later this year.

The team at my gym went all the way to the games last year, so it will be really exciting to see if they can repeat that for the second year. Personally I’m nowhere near that level, but I hope to get a decent place in the national rankings for my age bracket.


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