OMG, like HELLO! I'm Back 🌸


Guys, I'm back! I took a lonnnggg break from posting, but have been thinking about popping in forever. 💜

I think life has been hectic for all of us, these past few years, but I know that Steemit was always an escape for me, and so, I hope Hive will be too.

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I'm really keen to know your tips for making it on Hive in 2021.

So many questions!
🌸 Which tags to use?
🌸 Are communities still a thing?
🌸 Are there any fun challenges or weekly topics? I always loved those!
🌸 Any tips for scheduling posts, or using the Template function?
🌸 Wtf is Punks on Hive lol?

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I'd love to know, and I'd be so keen to share some fun recipes and random musings again, I really did miss my Steem fam, going to have start saying my Hive fam!

Can't wait to hear your news - tell me what you've been up to, and how your time on Hive has been going?


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