Billionaire Donald Trump Says Fake Markets Will Collapse on January 1st

"If it was a choice between the right decision and a political decision... The Fed would choose the political decision."

A few days ago, Donald Trump made this blunt statement and then added that the market “will remain at artificially high levels until January 1st.”

This came not long after he slammed Fed chairwoman Janet Yellen in a CNBC interview. He told the interviewer that she should be “ashamed” of her “very political” and “false” market.

He claimed that the reason interest rates won't increase prior to the election is because Yellen and the Fed are trying to bolster Barack O’bomber’s legacy (or lack thereof).

Donald Trump created controversy when he blasted Yellen. But, really, he should have gone a lot further. He is attacking Yellen for interest-rate actions she won't take, however, he really should be attacking the system itself. Real reform doesn't involve replacing Yellen, but replacing the Fed itself with a free-market money system.

In any event, Yellen can't hike rates hard because the carrying cost of the US's $19 trillion of national debt would explode if rates moved much higher.

The West's banking elites are not far enough down their occult timeline for a total collapse, especially since the Jubilee year doesn’t end until the beginning of October. Thus this kind of political reasoning is a perfectly convenient excuse to keep the game going a little while longer until the time is right to send the world financial system into a full blown death spiral.

Since 2008 all the Fed has done is artificially prop up asset prices through quantitative easing to increase the notional value of the stock market. Of course, this further decreasing the buying power of average citizens through the hidden tax of inflation. It’s been called a “Goldilocks recovery” by economists for good reason - it’s a total fairy-tale farce.

Just like many of the other sinister actions elites take against us plebs, they are probably laughing maniacally at our willingness to accept what were are told as the truth and likewise at our continued compliance with the erosion of our own liberty.

Back in 2005, Donald Trump remarked, “I have to start by saying that I’m a big fan, a very big fan, of the United Nations and all it stands for.” Yet during a recent AIPAC campaign announcement, he told the crowd that, “The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It’s not a friend to freedom. It’s not even a friend to the United States of America.”

Obviously, Donald Trump’s is no stranger to the globalist’s ultimate end-game. The only question is his level of support for it.

And that seems clear enough. Whether he’s praising the United Nations intentions and what they stand for or playing golf with ill-Bill Clinton, do you really think a guy with so much to lose would put his life and family on the line to oppose the banking elites? We doubt it.

Just days after Trump slammed Yellen, his running mate Mike Pence said, “I think it’s hard to understand why the Fed continues to advance policies that really work for hedge-fund managers on Wall Street, here in New York City, but really aren’t working for working families on Main Street. I think Donald Trump is saying that it’s time that we brought forward the kind of economic policies that will allow interest rates to return to a rational point.”

Even Pence is on board with the deception. He certainly made a point of scapegoating hedge fund managers and Wall Street. If he actually wanted to address the root of the problem he would talk about the central banks including the Fed in more detail. But he knows better than to tell it like it is, since doing so could be lethal.

Look at what happened to John F. Kennedy when he attempted to stop the banksters. On June 4th, 1963, executive order 11110 was signed which once again gave the US treasury the constitutional power to issue currency to the people, thus bypassing the Federal Reserve system.

United States notes were then issued interest-free and debt-free in addition to being backed by silver reserves. It didn’t take long for the elite bankers to “take care” of this problem when the 35th president of the USSA was shot dead in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. This was a warning to anyone in a position of power who opposed banking interests of the globalists

But Kennedy's death was long ago and the system he opposed has become much more obvious, and we're quite aware we can't just wait for it to arrive. Instead of trying to fix this inherently broken financial system and getting directly in the line of fire, we are taking action to help build a better system alongside it. This way when the inevitable meltdown occurs, we will already have the tools in place to survive and function.

At TDV we don’t speak in half-truths or perpetuate conspiracy theories. We simply make considered investment decisions based on real numbers and lucrative outcomes. As a result of the uncertainty and volatility in world markets, part of our strategy at TDV involves holding assets outside the monetary system like precious metals and cryptocurrencies.

Our senior analyst Ed Bugos’ carefully chosen portfolio is currently up around 200% this year, with individual picks and options up over 1000% in some cases. You won’t get returns like these by following your average financial adviser. If you want to learn more about our immensely profitable approach to investing, protect yourself in these turbulent financial times and gain access to a community of thousands of other like minded individuals, subscribe to TDV today (click here for more info).

With what is going on with Hillary starting to look like a sequel to "Weekend at Bernie's," it is possible that Trump could actually win the election if there is one. In fact, if Hillary has to pull out for health reasons, it may cause the election to be postponed or cancelled.

Would Trump truly attack the Federal Reserve as President? If so, he might not want to take any open air car rides through downtown Dallas. But, our feeling is that he will simply be a different face on the same tyrannical US federal system. He has no intention to actually close the Federal Reserve and his idea of a more honest and "bold" economic dialogue is to advocate rate hikes.

That's like suggesting that a serial killer switch rifles but continue to pull the trigger. The problem is the killer not the weapon.

We are setting up for one very interesting autumn season. A lot of things will be changing... and the market doesn't like a lot of change. So, we'll see if the Fed does prop up the market until January. Despite his unwillingness to confront the true economic damages inflicted by the Fed, Trump's criticism remains an accurate one. Markets have been falsely held up by easy "money" and when those conditions no longer exist, the crash that will occur will be more devastating than any that went before, probably including 1929.

It's just a matter of time now.

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