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Mafia Post Series: Albanian Mafia Story

Albanian mafia is highly active in …. well let’s say everywhere. You name it. They probably are there too. In Albania alone, there are over 15 mafia families that control organized crime. According to the RIEAS, they have really strong connections with the political world.  

The “Albanian Mafia” in the States is well known thanks to groups such as the Rudaj Organization or Albanian Boys, both based in NYC. However, their presence in Europe is much stronger something completely normal as you can imagine because Albania is a European country. 

The usual structure of the organization is hierarchical. Each unit has one boss and all bosses need to serve the family which is controlled by the executive committee known as a "Bajrak". 

As you can imagine trust means a lot to the Albanian mafia that’s why they use the term besa, meaning "trust", as a name for their "code of honor".

The main activities of the group are drug trafficking, weapons and immigrants, human trafficking, prostitution, blackmail, car robberies and money laundering.

In order for a person to be member of the organization strong inner discipline would be considered necessary. The members between the group are very close because most of the times family relatives are involved.

In case you have seen Taken movie sequel you would know better how the Albanian mob works. There is a good representation how the Albanian mob works in that 3 movies.  

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