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Love Wins? Alienating and ripping off your client base isn't Love!

So it's been two months since I was jumping for joy over my new cricut machine. I'll be real and say it's been life changing and as a crafty creative type I really felt like having a cutting machine broadened my imagination.

Unfortunately I picked the wrong cutting machine and here's why.

On March 12 Circuit announced that they will be limiting users to 20 uploads per calendar month unless they subscribe to Cricut Access (which is Cricut's design library) for $14AUD a month which will give them unlimited uploads. Now, one may think what's the big deal?

The big deal is that in order to use the machine for what it's advertised to do which is cut and print/cut, you have no choice but to use Cricut's Design Space which is not only notoriously buggy and unreliable (think Russian roulette) but worst of all it's default function is to save to the cricut cloud instead of locally. What this means is, if you're a designer like I am, or you prefer to download your design resources from another site eg. Creative Fabrica you have no choice but to upload your designs.

Whaaat? Uploading to cloud is mandatory?!!

👆 This is something no one has outright, point blank, talked about in the many YouTube videos I watched prior to buying the machine.

As a designer I'm keenly aware of copyright and generally how the internet works. Anything I've posted online even if I have included a creative commons license to my post can be used and ripped off by anyone. That's just how it works and I've come to accept it. I am however very careful with work that I choose to keep for myself and for clients who want custom graphics and make sure I keep them in a safe place. Cricut cloud is not what I would consider a safe place.

Further, the fact that I'm forced to upload my designs just don't sit well with me. Something about it feels off and archaic.

20 uploads a month doesn't sound too bad..

I can't speak for anyone else but I can upload up to 7 times on 1 design as I modify and tweak things. It could be that the lines aren't right or I've made a mistake in the design ~ whatever ~ my point is 20 uploads, to me, is not much.

In essence I feel that this move from Cricut is not only unreasonable but also suffocating my creativity.

People would argue that due to the amount of new users that have jumped on thanks to the pandemic Cricut have had to make decisions in order to help maintain and pay for bandwidth and server space.

I personally think that's a load of shit.

They have created a system where we are forced to upload and they expect us to pay for something we can't opt out of?! WTAF?!!

Just pay the $14. That's like 3 cups of coffee....

NO! Ohh Hellll Noooo!

This is about the principle.

I honestly feel like they're forcing me to subscribe to their shitty Cricut Access, which btw, I've heard is very hard to cancel ~ I see so many people complain about it every day.

I don't need it. I don't want it. All I want is to be able to use the machine for what it's meant to do which is cut and cut/print.

Had I known beforehand they were limiting uploads to 20 and that we had no choice but to upload I would never have bought a Cricut machine to begin with.

Actually had I know Cricut was a poorly managed, money hungry, tone deaf company I would never have bought anything Cricut.

Think about it this way.

Just say you bought a printer. Then all of a sudden the printer company said look, were going to lock our printers so that you can only use our software to print things and you can only print 20 new things a month unless you subscribe to out service then you can print as many things as you want.

On top of that, Design Space is highly unreliable. Like I said earlier, it's like playing a Russian roulette. Never know when it's going to work or if your files will still be there.

And they want people to pay $14 a month for that?!!??!!!! Ridiculous right?!!!

Other money making options

I've said this on numerous threads in various groups and I'll lock it in on the blockchain. Whoever's idea it was to impose a 20 upload limit to Cricut users need to get the sack.

There's various other ways for them to make money aside from alienating their customers with this ridiculous limit.

  1. The Add~Ons. Charge for new add ons to the software. Like the offset and kerning. Make them optional add ons for people who want them.
  2. Cloud Service. Charge for additional cloud space for those who want it.

The above would need changes to the existing software such as removing the cloud and making a simplified, basic version of design space that allows the machine to do what it's advertised to do which is cut and cut/print.

Basically they need to hire better programmers. Ones who can actually get the damn design space to work right to begin with and ones who can keep pumping out innovative design elements for their software.


Kerning, off set, standalone software that allows users to save their work offline but there's also an upload to cloud option.. These are things the Silhouette software has.

They have a free version then various versions you have to pay for if you want an upgrade.

But certainly no 🐮💩 limit that hinders peoples work and creativity.

Now here I am with major buyers regret, utterly disgusted at Cricut, drowning in moral dilemma on wether or not I can sell my lemon of a machine.

If you haven't already picked up in my tone.. Yes, I am one pissed off bear.

So if you're reading this contemplating wether or not to buy a Cricut cutting machine DON'T DO IT.

Silhouette is a far superior brand and Silhouette Cameo 4 is basically the equivalent to a Cricut Maker but cheaper. Go research Silhouette cutters instead.