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What's Your Individuality Profile?

Why is creativity stamped out of us as we grow? Replaced by statistics and conformity, we are pushed into following a strict set of rules that someone long ago determined was the road to success.

But who's success?

And who started this in the first place?

It may have been necessary long ago, to control a confused populace. But these ideals are outdated and stifling.

Have you ever felt stuck in the same old routine and wondered is this it? Searched for meaning in life; wondering where is the passion or purpose, and how to shake things up?

We are each a sentient being, completely unique and beautiful in our own skin. We have different wants and needs, it's time we stop expecting success through conformity. It's time we start utilizing the originality we were born with.

It is time to make our own rules and embrace the creative individual within.

Creativity is a part of everyday life. When you decorate your flat, create a dish from scratch, or figure out the best way to organize your files you are using your creativity. We use it for the necessary things in life.

But are you using this powerful force to change your life?

We buy that new outfit or device and think it's going to make us happy. And it does. Superficially for a little bit. Until the new one is released and we want to upgrade.

This tells you it was fleeting happiness.

Or look to our romantic partner, mistakenly believing they are the source of our happiness. This is a recipe for disappointment. Sure, the chemicals that are secreted when you are with them make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, but that too is fleeting.

There is only one thing that can make you happy. And that is (drum roll please…) your creativity.

Creativity is not just for artists and sculptors. Creativity is life making. It is anything we do that changes us and inspires us, turns us on, brings us lasting joy, or invigorates us and motivates..

For me, I love to write. Creating worlds and weaving ideas into sentences give me great joy. I also love being on the radio and acting. And horses. I have great fun riding horses across mountains and meadows.

We each have something we love doing, or something we know we would enjoy but allow the "bigger" things in life to take precedence. Or have allowed another to squelch. Or judge as a little hobby as if it is insignificant.

And even scarier, we impart this ideal onto subsequent generations.

When I was little, I don't how many times I was told to "stop daydreaming" and "it's time to be serious."

I am a child! You want me to be serious? And stop imagining? As an adult I make a living with my imagination! Had they abolished that, I would not be here writing this with you now!

But the unfortunate truth was I had to hide my creativity. I had to stifle it and hide it- literally do it in secret as if it were an obscene thing.

We need to stop this domino stagnation effect. Encourage play and creativity in new generations. Never make them to feel as if it's something bad that needs to be done behind closed doors.

The things that are enjoyed hold far more significance in our lives and growth than we realize.