Global Reset Survival Guide - 101 - Check your sources!

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Global Reset Survival 101 - check who owns your news and media sources

I used to like “Vice news” on YouTube, early days they did some very edgy good content. then lately I’ve found it more and more contrived, thought maybe they’d just dried up or got a bit too big …. Then … I discover it’s now owned by Disney, one of the most evil corporations in the world. Explains why vice just now mostly shows you interviews with fucked up people, and not a lot else! To show you why you must be a slave drone to the matrix!
To elaborate, Why is Disney evil? Because along with the handfuls of billionaires they monopolized the American media fully. They own EVERYTHING - really, look it up. Furthermore , they removed black people from their Star Wars (they own that, and complete Marvel universe, …) movie posters in China, plus scenes are edited to appease the ccp censors - purely to make more cash, nothing to do with sharing there wonderfully [un]creative movies these days (there are several more examples of this, Black Panther was a very confusing movie in China). Wth Disney? Avoid like the plague, everything they own or touch now is brainwashing by the billionaires now ruling us all.
Conclusion / final warning: Check your media sources at all times!

Footnote ( only)

Indeed we are living in interesting times. Yet I wanted to come up with something very short and to the point in the first of a new experimentation in writing. Up to this point most all content has been very third party with a first person view of surroundings, events, car shows. There's never been an opinion piece or much 'top of the head' or creative writing. Until now that is! Not howsoever to just be ranting and endless either. Global Reset Survival Guide - basically it just came to me after watching a YT about Disney. (Full credit to that video). Probably the concept is already done, but I'm NOT going to look at any of them until later. Or maybe ever. Haha. Originality and a unique twist on it all? Could be fun.

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