Special connection between mother and child


There is a special connection that is known only to those who are mothers and have breastfed their child. Yes, because there are no words to describe the communication that occurs between that small, soft and beautiful baby that feeds on her mother's breast and at the same time with her happy eyes he sees her and without speaking about her tells her thank you.

It is a sublime moment that I have had the joy of living and enjoying in two important stages of my life; with my two daughters, because with my first girl I had that experience because obviously I didn't know anything, it was something unknown and I learned how to do it, as well as knowing what it felt like. For my daughter I was her whole world and not even her father with all her love could breastfeed her, because only I could do it.

It represents a mother in all her splendor, with her son in her arms, fulfilling her best role, which is to be protective in every way, caring, loving and feeding as only a mother knows how to do. She always thinking of doing her good and that is why she responsibly assumes the importance of breast milk due to the amount of benefits it offers.

I do not exchange for anything in this world those beautiful moments that I lived with my two daughters, seeing her happy face and the way she looks at me, her round and pink cheeks; that despair that gave them looking for the breast and they even wanted to take off my blouse. It is definitely a privilege and a blessing to be a mother.

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