Proof of Stake Rewards are live for CREATIVECOIN Tribe!

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Yes! It's finally happened!

And only a touch behind schedule.😉

A BIG shout out and THANK YOU to @eonwarped who stepped up (as he does) and helped us get this implemented!


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Proof of Stake Rewards

Basically, you will now get rewarded based on the amount of CCC you have staked. This is IN ADDITION to your curation rewards!

We have done the math (or someone did... 😏) and now Proof of Stake will account for 10% of the reward pool. For more specifics check out THIS POST.


We have so many things planned for the future of the Creative Coin tribe! This is only the beginning! We understand that with all new projects there are questions and doubts and a general 'burning a hole in your pocket' feeling of wanting to sell and then fomo-ing (is that word?) back to the buying side. By hodling and STAKING your CCC you not only are helping potentially increase the value of the coin, but you are earning some as well.

It's very exciting creating a new community and services to hold that community together, especially with the transparency and crowd-sourcing help that the internet and blockchain provide.


To all who have been creating amazing content and using the #creativecoin tag. Thank you for sharing your art, your words, your experiences, your secrets and your lives with us. We are so happy to be able to bring you a place you can share, connect and thrive.

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