Creative Coin Fund Investor Report: NEW ARTIST PAYOUTS

Welcome to the Creative Coin Fund Investor Report.

On July 12, the Creative Coin Fund began paying interest on Creative Coin delegations to the Fund (@cccf), at a base annual rate of 21 percent, as detailed in our announcement post.

This week, three new investors joined the team, and five increased the size of their previous delegation. Our total delegations now stand at 196,414 CCC from 15 delegators.

Here's our current list of delegators and the payout they received this week. Names in bold indicate new investors; names in italics, an increase in delegation.

InvestorCCC DelegationPayout

Thank you all! The total staked CCC available for curating is now 342,340.

Market Updates

The purpose of the Creative Coin Fund is to provide the artists of Hive with a substantial CCC upvote, and to make that vote meaningful by supporting the steadily rising price of Creative Coin.

We're supporting the price of CCC with two mechanisms: the daily market purchase and the base buy-in order.

The daily market purchase is a market order for CCC of 10 to 15 Hive daily. This continues unchanged from last week.

The base buy-in order is a limit order meant to establish the price support for the market. We're raising the base buy-in price by 2 percent each week, on Thursdays.

  • Current price: .00566289 Hive
  • Order size: 339 Hive for 59,953 CCC.

Our base buy-in order (of varying sizes) has been standing since June, and we've made the daily market purchase every day since the Fund was established in May.

New Investments

Both of our market mechanisms are dependent on available funds. Neither are guaranteed to be in place.

At present, our funding comes primarily from @cliffagreen's biweekly fiat contribution. In the long run, the Fund will be self-sustaining. The most significant move in that direction we made this week was to increase our CCC delegation to BroFi from 1,000 to 16,000, 10 percent of the Fund's staked Creative Coin.

Staking Plans and New Artist Payouts

The increase in our BroFi delegation became feasible thanks to our delegators. At 100 percent voting power, our full upvote now stands at 78 CCC. We've realized the goal of being able to provide a substantial CCC upvote and can now use more of the Fund's staked CCC for income.

We have also paused staking up the CCC we purchase from the market. Instead, we will build up our liquid CCC, which will create new opportunities for supporting Creative Coin artists.

Our first (small) step in this area will be to begin paying the creators selected for inclusion in our curation weekly, The Five.

Beginning with this week, those selected for The Five will each receive a one-time payout of 1,000 CCC.

It's already a significant accomplishment to be included in The Five. In a good curation week, we review upwards of 100 posts, and only five are chosen to be highlighted. The payment will make it financially significant as well.

The possible uses for liquid CCC are limited only by our imagination. And, again, we can begin to explore those possibilities because our delegators are taking care of our voting power.

Thank you all!


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