My Intro Selfie 3D Printed Name and Date Plate

Introductions need a selfie with your username and date.
So I decided to 3D print mine.

How did I do this?

Converting an image into a 3D model requires a few processes.

I found a Steemit logo on google images that I wanted to use.

I convert the photo to an SVG file with

The SVG can be directly edited on

After editing I download the model in an STL file.
The STL file allows me to edit the model more on SketchUp, Fusion 360, or dropped directly into my printing software.

SketchUp: Model Design

SketchUp is a free modeling software that I use for very basic designs such as this plate.

Simplify3D: Print preview.

Simplify3D allows me complete control over every aspect of my printers. The print preview shows every line and layer where material is going to be placed. If I see any issues, such as lines being too thin or too thick, then I can quickly change the printing process.

After heating up the printer, loading the material I want, and double checking my print file I can start printing.

This is a basic outline for creating something very simple. If you have questions, please ask. I'd be happy to explain more.

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