Introducing new tag create-knowledge + technique to frying fish fillets evenly every time.

I've been thinking a lot about how to contribute to steemit. Steemit is fundamentally about transfer of value. In my opinion reposting, referencing and plagiarising detract from steemit. I realise my ideas for article writing up until now have been mostly plagiarising other peoples methods (not content) and not overly contributing to the overall effort here on here to create new knowledge. 

To start my journey in knowledge creation I present the 'create-knowledge' tag and also my first piece of new knowledge. 

What: Cooking technique to frying fish fillets so they are cooked perfectly

Firstly the fundamentals of cooking fish:

1. fish meat cooks very fast (roughly 6mins on medium high heat) but is extremely hard to burn.

2. fish meat responds very well to being steamed.

3. overcooked fish tastes terrible

4. white fish tend to be leaner and cook faster than other kinds of fish, while fatty fish like salmon and tuna cook slower.

My technique is:

add: oil ( preferably rice bran oil) to pan

heat: pan on medium high

add: fish once the pan heats for about a minute

set: timer for 6 mins (8 mins for fatty fish)

cook: fish on both sides for 3 mins (4 mins for fatty fish) *EDIT(each)

turn: heat off and cover the fish with a lid for 2 mins 

serve: fish straight away


Frying the fish alone doesn't assure an even spread of heat through the fish but allowing the fish to steam for a short time it provides a much more even spread of heat through the fish.

How different:

The only similar technique I could find to this is the steam-frying technique explained here:

However I feel that my technique is better than this as I think that purely steam frying fish is a much harder technique to learn due to a more complex degree of temperature control. Whereas with my technique the only temperature control you have to do is to push it lower when the fish starts sizzling too much during the initial frying stage.

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