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Insanity Revisted

There comes a time in everyones life when they become a bit unglued, major life events contribute to this, death of a friend/family member, divorce, loss of income, or in my case a new girlfriend after a divorce who is a wee bit nutso, ok, way more than that. Certifiable to be accurate. There's a line in a song by Matchbox20, I use alot, "I'm not crazy, I'm just a little Unwell". Funny thing, you can look past crazy time to time because the sex is mind blowing, I use the term 'Crazy Eyes". Now there comes a point where Crazy Eyes turns into full time fighting for nonsensical reasons and you always check the knife situation at restaurants. If you can survive the ride, (still in flux), it can be like trying to ride a tornado while on acid. At my age in life (not saying), and with two semi young boys to tend with, and the Ex screaming texts about what you owe her, you definately need lotso antacid and Migraine meds Max Milligrams. The mood swings you experience is like a Hunter S Thompson drug story, you can be exhilirated one minute to deeply depressed the next, life is one wild MoFo for sure. But it does make you feel alive if and I mean if you can life long enough, Is it all worth it? Maybe, if you hear of no more posts from me you have your answer. Peace.
