The news about the end of the world", Astronomers have determined the area of location of Planet X

Scientists Matthew Holman and Matthew Payne of the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics (USA) pointed to the area of the sky, where should one look for a possible Planet X. Thus, scientists have further reduced the scope of searches of a celestial body. Devoted to the study of a Preprint published on the website, and briefly about it reports New Scientist.

Recent evidence suggests that the planet X can be found in the constellation Cetus (located near the constellations of Aries and Pisces) in the area of the celestial sphere with a radius of 20 degrees. This region is several thousand times more land, which on the celestial sphere is the Moon, but its area is smaller compared to previous estimates.

To such conclusions scientists came analyzing data from interplanetary SAP, currently the final study Saturn and its rings and satellites. Astronomers say that this them the scope to search for Planet X was previously investigated in the framework of DES (Dark Energy Survey). For the detection of traces of a celestial body scientists plan to carefully study the received data.

On the possible discovery beyond the orbit of Pluto Planet X scientists reported in mid-January. A potential ninth planet of the system revolves around the Sun in an elongated orbit (and inclined relative to Earth's orbit plane) with a period of 15 thousand years.

Given the existing on Planet X data later, other astronomers came to the following conclusions. The radius of the celestial body 3.7 times more than Earth. The temperature of its atmosphere that consists of hydrogen and helium, is equal to minus 226 degrees Celsius. Under gas shell at a temperature of minus 63 degrees Celsius is a layer of water ice.

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