A special day: my niece's birthday | Part 1 (translated)

¡Hola みなさま!~
Hello everybody!~

Original post

Helloooo again, I've been very busy and I can hardly publish, hope be more active soon :3. I must organise myself (stated aim)

Today I bring you the first part of some things which we made for my niece's birthday who celebrated in the last November. I remember when we asked her what she wanted for her party she didn't hesitate for a sencond and said, "I know that is for boys but I don't care, I want it of Goku and Vegeta in Dragon Ball Super!"... and that was very funny. She is super fan of the serie like my sisters and me :V (mainly my sister who is her mother). And her favourite characters are both. Also she asked us all the characters and wanted to dress up but for that we didn't have time, we would like to dress up her (I think we are driving her to the cosplay and anime world hahaha).
So I hope people who are fans too, enjoy it seeing the pictures xD and who aren't fans, well, I don't know :V.

I decided publish this theme in parts because are many photos and I don't want to make a long post and to intrigue you -add evil laugh-(?). Aren't 50k either xD.

Step by step


First of all I searched references to make the piñata, the most practical was the idea of just make characters' head
(Goku and Vegeta), one face on one side and the other on the other side.
We looked cardboards to make the shapes (we used old cardboard that I used some years ago for a exposition and one dark that my sister found over there). She was making Vegete while me to Goku. Firstly we made sketches with pencils.


Then started to make a first layer of paint, we used a wall paint because that was we had hahaha. Carefully to not fill the lines sketch.


Cut two circles with the same size and one cardboard strip (don't forget to do a hole where the candies will get out and by the other side two holes more for the string) to make the body where both face will be. We bent cardboard strip and it was taking the circular shape (if it didn't do it, you can bend it per couples centimetres and it fit like a accordion more pliable). United the pieces with cardboard strips and glue and left to dry


We made the special paste (see minute 3 of this video) that many people learned it in Art Attack (or maybe just in the Latin American version, I haven't seen the original version) and we covered with paper scraps of recycled sheets. You can use newspapers, magazines, cardboards, etc. This step is to stiffen and fit the pieces. Here you have to check the estructure because if you unite the parts with cardboards like us, when you add the paste that is damp, this joints can split, so is good if you receive help from other person xD, who hold the structure while you are adding paper scraps or just unite the parts with adhesive tape that resists water. First you have to add the paste with a brush and then put scraps and add more layers, with two layers is enough. Leave to dry at least one night.


While Piñata's body was drying (where would be the candies). We started to paint the faces. For blue hair of Goku we had to mix paints until we made the tone xD and Vegeta's hair wasn't a problem.


Later we made a black delineated for a better result and added some details. This part was incredibly the most complicated part, sometimes lines were too wide or weren't like we wanted, so it take time.

Finished piñata



Extra photos

She very happy enjoying her piñata of tow faces :3 and in the background Battle of Gods movie



The next post will be Part 2 of this theme buuut in Spanish and then in English, so... wait the next of the next xD. I hope you've enjoyed it.

P.S.: never forget to reduce, reuse and recycle, with we have we can create many things. I always trying to base my life in this principle and promote this thought because I believe this is the best for our planet, our household economy and our creative thinking to looking for solution methods with the little sometimes we have. In moments of economic recession like these, innovative solutions are necessary ^^.


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