Craft Beer Saturday - Fudge Stout

Another Beer Saturday is here and I am coming with the best I can find!

I realize I have been on quite a St. Louis beer tear recently, but they really are putting out some great beer.

I managed to grab one of these Prodigal from Perennial Artisan Ales. It came with a heavy price tag but I had heard good reviews and decided to invest in one. Perennial does have a good reputation for stouts with their annual Sump and Abraxas releases. This one turned out to be on the same par with those annual releases.

It was a 10.6% Imperial Oatmeal Milk Stout. It was smooth, creamy, and dreamy. Huge amount of roasted barley and coffee flavor, but the crazy amount of fudge flavor really stole the show. It was immensely decadent, it drank smoothly but still was quite a sipper. I thought the bottle would never end, and was very happy this was the case! I really liked the addition of Madagsacar vanilla beans as well, it just made the beer more well rounded instead of being just another fudge bomb.

Check out their website -

Cheers everyone! Happy #beersaturday!

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