COVID19: Nuremberg Code Violations. Australian State Leader Goes Power Crazy -> 2 Years in Jail & $90k Fine For Not Wearing A Mask in Public!?

Dan Andrews, 'Premier' of the Australian State of Victoria is known as 'Dictator Dan' for his continual abuse of human rights and denial of the will of the people. Now he has amped things up another notch, to almost unbelievable levels. If new rules pass he will literally be a dictator!


According to the Daily Mail's coverage, his latest push for legislative change would result in:

  • Premier will be able to call state of emergency at will without doctors signing off
  • Pandemic restrictions can be imposed even if there are no cases in Victoria
  • Anyone protesting against lockdowns or breaching mask rules faces huge fines
  • Individuals can be jailed for two years or fined $90,500 for breaking new laws

This effectively means that one man can declare a permanent state of emergency and lockdown without any challenge whatsoever, indefinitely! This is not something I have ever seen in human history, outside of full blown Dictatorships.

In addition, the absurdly heavy fines and prosecutions for breaching his dictates are also extremely disturbing statements of his intent. The feeling I get from this is of a psychopath using people's fear as a cover and COVID19 as an excuse to shut down free will for his own reasons.

This all comes in addition to the 'no jab, no job' policy in the Northern Territories in Australia, that I recently reported on:

The bottom line is that he is trying to force millions of people's freedom into his own hands directly and on top of that he is trying to force those people to 'voluntarily' receive experimental gene therapies or go hungry! I don't think this has ever happened in human history before outside of concentration camps. The medical ethics laid out by the Nuremberg code, signed at the end of World War 2 in order to prevent the kinds of horrendous abuses that the German Nazis carried out in the slave camps make clear that his actions are criminal.

Permissible Medical Experiments (Nuremberg Code)

The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

Source: CIRP - British Medical Journal

It is illegal under the Nuremberg code to coerce people into medical experiments and the trials for the COVID19 shots are ongoing until 2023. The use of the experimental shots is AN EXPERIMENT. By forcing people to get the shots or be unable to support themselves, clear violation of serious crimes against humanity has taken place.

The big pharma gang and various other cults involved couldn't have wished for a more oppressive enforcer of their illegal sales strategy than Dan Andrews.

Australia as Petri Dish

I recently left Australia after being there for 9 months, watching the COVID19 control level spiral into ever more tyrannical depths. Australia has several large states that operate their own governance, plus a federal government - similar to the United States of America and some of them have been far harsher in the extent of their control of the population in regards to COVID19 than others. South Australia, the Northern Territories and Victoria have, in particular, acted out control to a level that I can only describe as psychotic.

Not only do these states operate some of the harshest controls of humans I have ever known in my lifetime (outside of North Korea), they have done so against a backdrop, often, of having ZERO cases of COVID19! So they are acting the most harshly in the world while experiencing the least amount of problems!

Before I arrived in Australia, I heard @maxigan and others describe Australia as long having been used as a testing ground for all kinds of policies and experiments. It's isolation and low population density makes it an ideal space for tracking people. The fact that it is now relatively wealthy and the people have not had to really stand up for themselves much historically, also makes the population an ideal target for exploitation.

The fact that such intense controls are on the verge of being put in place, only cements further the idea that Max Igan was correct. When the Australian vaccine injury tracking system shows more vaccine injuries than COVID cases, even without being adjusted for the drastic under-reporting that such systems tend to involve - the controls seem all the more evil. Biblical scale abuse of the population, many of whom are so mentally sickened and spiritually weak that they demand EVEN MORE controls!

To an outsider who values self empowerment, knows my worth as a co-creator of reality and who has studied natural health for years, the whole thing looks like some kind of horror movie, combined with a perverse form of sado masoochism against tragically dominated people.

Not all Australians support this, of course. I met quite a few people while I was there who saw through all of these power plays and would never consent to it - but ultimately, they have limited ability to fight back. My long time friend who lives there had already left Victoria during the previously lockdowns to try to find more freedom in New South Wales, a neighbouring state.

The reality though is that the state borders have been shut for months, preventing interstate travel. While this may be easing up a bit now - the policies being proposed in Victoria mean that in future, at the say so of one man, millions of people could again be forced to submit to medical procedures against their will and be stopped at both internal and international borders if they try to escape!

Other nations need to pay attention to this and consider allowing Australian citizens to relocate (if they can renounce their citizenship) in a similar way to they would if a war were ongoing in Australia. Polish and some US politicians have already called for international sanctions against Australia for their mistreatment of their population!

Unfortunately, we live in a time when many people are so numbed out by drugs, TV, habits, addictions and denial, that they are easily led to a path of enslavement and destruction. If we do not wise up to what is happening here, the resulting carnage could very well make World War 2 look like a child's pantomime in comparison.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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