I'm not responsible for protecting your health. If you're worried about catching a contagion, stay home, in your recycled air where most people actually get sick.
Face masks have no real science suggesting they help the wearer or others. In fact, it has always been known that they do not. Only during this pandemic have the media and healthcare tyrants suddenly "found" that it helps.
Face masks have negative consequences for the wearer. Breathing through the mask makes your lungs work harder. The face mask traps a pocket of CO2 (carbon dioxide), that you continuously breathe in, causing oxygen deprivation. These factors raise stress and blood pressure levels and can induce heart attack. Not only that, they also create a reservoir of pathogens as you breathe out hot, wet contaminated air. Bacteria and viruses multiply in the mask and are inhaled over and over leading to increased risks for respiratory infection.
Again, I am not responsible for your health, and you cannot order me to risk my health to possibly (and with no real data) lower the risk of someone else catching an illness that they are completely liable for catching simply by being alive and outside their home.
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