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Monday Mulligan

How accurate is the accounting of the COVID19 deaths across the country? Inquiring minds want to know. I'd check the numbers in the state of Illinois. IDPH Director explains how COVID deaths are classified.
It's now coming to light what many of us have known or knew all along regarding the Kabuki theater of the Russian collusion hoax. New Russia Transcripts Appear To Show Schiff, Obama Officials Knew Trump Was Not Colluding With Russia.
Has it finally dawned on all of you critical thinkers? It's amazing that the COVID19 virus isn't found or spread in your local Safeway or Kroger, in any big box retailer, or in any big box hardware or home improvement store. According to the "science", the virus is only found and spreads in individual small businesses and local restaurants.
I keep beating this drum and I'll continue until your critical thinking kicks in. White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett made the case for surveillance testing and aggressive contact tracing on Sunday, saying "there is no downside" to implementing those measures on a national level to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Subtly and with little or no warning we have moved into a brave new world, the world of 1984 and many are blissfully ignorant of that fact. Our rights under the first and fourth amendments have been eroded during this pandemic. We are losing our freedom first agenda.
Bravo Supreme Court. Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Remain In The US Is A Crime, Supreme Court Rules.
The sudden fixation and desire to convert to a complete mail-in voting system continues to be pushed by the statists. There is no addressing any of the following –
Voting by mail makes it easier to commit fraud, intimidate voters, and destroy the protections of the secret ballot. It puts elections into the hands of the Postal Service. Without the oversight of election and polling officials, ballots can be lost, disqualified, and even stolen.
Statists are of the mind that the only way to keep people safe from the virus is to have them vote by mail. We will proudly go to our local polling place tomorrow and vote in a special election here in Wisconsin's 7th District.
I'll post the link here for the following clip from the Heritage Foundation "Saving Lives and Livelihoods: Recommendations for Recovery.

  1. Businesses in counties with low incidence should be allowed to reopen. In some cases, it may be necessary to impose some limitations. For example, restaurants might have to limit the number of patrons they seat at any given time, and staff might be required to wear masks and gloves; grocers may continue to take steps to ensure that commonly touched items are kept clean. Healthy, low-risk workers should be allowed to return to their jobs immediately, and vulnerable populations (the elderly and people with underlying medical conditions) should remain at home.
    The first point is the key to our county. We've had three cases of COVID19 and that was more than six weeks ago. Local businesses need to step up and show their entrepreneurial spirit and assist in getting our county, state, and country moving again.