Canadian Severe Vaccine Injury Tally (Jan 21, 2022)

Canada's severe vaccine injury numbers were up again this week, of course, as the moronic continue to get "vaccinated" against omicron. This week, Canada saw:

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+104 total severe adverse reactions this week including death...for a cumulative total of 5,346. These reactions include:

+2 Guillian Barre
+44 myocarditis/pericarditis
+10 cerebral thromboses (doubled since last week)
+6 other thromboses (4 with thrombocytopenia)
+4 deep vein thromboses
+5 pulmonary embolism
+1 kidney inflammation
+27 Bell's Palsy
+1 Transverse myelitis (spinal cord inflammation)
+1 stroke
+8 deaths (269 total)

21 Jan 2022 A.png21 Jan 2022 B.png21 Jan 2022 C.png Data reported by Health Canada up to and including January 14h, 2022
Click here for last week's numbers.

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