COVID-19 is just a money Grab. Stop sickening your self with the real virus: FEAR

Hello, I know it has been a while from me. But the whole world is up in arms because everything has changed. Well, things seem pretty much par for the course so far. Let's take a look at one of the most interesting things happening LIVE right now - COVID-19


Pandemic Money

The World Bank holds a Pandemic Bond. It has most likely been triggered, and now all countries are racing to be the first and fastest to close everything, imprison their populations and restrict as much as they can restrict, to get their hands on that Pandemic Money.

Here is an informative link. This details all the gritty details like the specific conditions, who will lose money, and what happens next.


The US has released emergency funding, and although the Trump administration did not ask for it, the US congress did budget more than a million dollars to 'developing country response'. What will these countries do to get their hands on the money?


Pandemic Numbers - Only Watching the Denominator

The numbers are flawed. Currently the media has been reporting death rates of over 3 percent by taking number of hospitalizations divided by numbers of death. This is not the correct formula, which is:

Total Number of Cases divided by Total number of Deaths.

The simple differences is that they are failing to count all those people affected without symptoms, or with minor symptoms that don't go to the hospital, or active cases not tested to reserve testing for the immuno-compromised patients.

We will see this 'death-toll' number fall sharply once the Korean numbers are released. Let's keep an eye on that.

In conclusion, remember that the real disease is fear. While looking for the Roosevelt quote, I found this interesting quote from Ghandi, where it seems that he is addressing us today in modernity.


Love and Light to All!

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