YOU are Infected with a Virus FAR More Deadly than Covid-19

In the 1960s, researchers Michael Epstein and Yvonne Barr discovered the cause of Burkitt's lymphoma (deadly cancer of the lymphatic system) - a virus they named Epstein-Barr. Today, about 95% of humans are infected with EBV, and it has been found to be the cause (or a cause) of many cancers, autoimmune conditions, and other illness/death.

EBV infects very easily through saliva and other body fluids, so it is spread through sex, droplets like coughs and sneezes, and other normal human interactions. By adulthood, at least 19 people out of 20 already have it.

Despite decades of nonstop research, there is no treatment or cure.

EBV appears to get into our immune cells, impairing our ability to fight it off, and allowing it to make changes to our metabolism, cell replication, and overall health. It remains part of the infected person's system for the rest of their life.

Some people with EBV develop what is nicknamed "the kissing disease" - mononucleosis - and eventually recover to full or mostly-full health.

Some people with EBV get cancerous tumours that are difficult or impossible to treat with conventional therapies like radiation and chemotherapy.

It is also a cause of Multiple Sclerosis, a brutal autoimmune illness causing neurological degeneration and death.

A few illnesses that EBV causes are: infectious mononucleosis, Burkitt's lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, stomach cancer, nose/throat cancer, multiple sclerosis, lymphomatoid granulomatosis, Gianotti–Crosti syndrome, erythema multiforme, acute genital ulcers, oral hairy leukoplakia, severe mosquito bite allergy reactions, mucocutaneous ulcers, hydroa vacciniforme, primary effusion lymphoma, dementia with Lewy bodies, and multiple system atrophy, chronic fatigue disorder, and Parkinson's disease. More are being added every year.

Comparison to SARS2 aka Covid-19

They look almost the same.

They infect our body the same way.

They infect our cells the same way.

They both cause no detected illness in many infected people.

They both cause minor illness in some infected people.

They both cause major illness and death in some infected people.

They both cause lasting damage in some survivors.

Essentially every human that isn't in Antarctica or permanent quarantine has EBV. The same will soon be true of Covid-19.

Covid-19 killed 1 million people (if you believe the official numbers) in 1 year. EBV kills tens of millions EVERY year - that we know of.

Why have you never heard of Epstein-Barr Virus?

Any why haven't we been strapping diapers to our faces for decades?

And why didn't we shut down every non-essential business on the planet for EBV?

Why haven't trillions been printed from thin air to combat EBV?

Why aren't weddings, funerals, protests, and other public gatherings banned over EBV?

Why didn't people get shamed (and even arrested) for hugging friends/family prior to 2020?

Why isn't EBV on the cover of Time? Why isn't it all over CNN? Why don't you hear about it every day, in every news broadcast?


Despite every effort, there is no vaccine for Epstein-Barr Virus.


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