I Reluctantly Got Vaxxed! So Far So Good :(

So I got vaccinated today! What a load of bollocks! I WAS EXTREMELY RELUCTANT! I honestly feel like a bit of a sellout and I can honestly say, I'm drawing my line in the sand... I'm officially done complying! There will be no more vaccinations, I will not show za paperz, and from this day forward I'm going to be extremely vocal about ENOUGH is ENOUGH... It's time to get back to normal and business as usual!

I'm not a huge believer in vaccinations. I think 'My Body My Choice' should go for those of us who oppose being treated like a pin cushion every 6 months or so. I was thinking about it this morning and it must have been close to 30 years since the last time I had a needle jabbed into me. In that time I think I've been to the doctors maybe 4 or 5 times. Truthfully though, the last time I went to the doctors was probably around 5 years or so ago and I honestly felt like I was close to death.

My main reason for not going to the doctors was because I was among the millions of uninsured Americans. I'm also an anarchist and out of sheer principle I have a hard time paying a guy $50 to $100 to grab my balls, tell me to cough while he listens to my heart rate then write me a prescription for anti-biotics. Did we really need to go through this whole song and dance and the payoff to get a prescription I already knew I needed? It chaps my ass just thinking about it!

Seriously though, over the last thirty years I generally get sick once a year with a mild cold. After that, I'm usually good until the following winter.

When Covid started I decided to finally break down and get some insurance. Figured it was a good idea, "just in case". The vaccine was covered under the insurance, so I reluctantly agreed to get the "jab" as they say in the UK.

After I realized Covid was nasty but not the "Bubonic Plague" I swore I wouldn't get the vaccine. I don't like the idea that people are almost being forced or coerced into getting vaccinated. On top of that, I don't like the idea of taking a rushed out vaccine for a disease I have a 95% or better chance of surviving. This is idiocy! I'd honestly rather not comply and words can't describe the anger I feel about getting the shot.


This was the line for the vaccine. There were about 4 or 5 people behind me too. They took my drivers license, last four of my social and my insurance card. Off to the right behind the card rack there is a QR code they asked me to scan for some reason. I have no idea what that was about but told them I didn't have a phone 🤣 Even though I'm vaxxed now, I will not comply with a health passport either. This has to stop. Every so called crisis seems to bring us one step closer to Nazi Germany.

On that note, when you're finished they do give you a card with the vaccine you received along with the date. The documents look like they'd be easy enough to forge and I know a lot of people are already talking about that alternative. I wouldn't hold it against anyone that doesn't want to comply with this idiocy. Even presenting forged documents is complying. This has to stop here! Enough. I will not show ZA PAPERZ!

So why did I get it?

Let me start by saying I'm not going to be a moral fag about this whole thing. If you don't want the shot or don't feel comfortable with it, don't get it. This is in no way me virtue signaling. I'm scared to death about what may have just been injected into my body. So far, no side effects that I can see or feel.

I said I had a 95% or better chance of surviving this thing. Unfortunately, these statistics change dramatically for senior citizens and people with underlying conditions. Both my parents are in their 80s. My father has heart issues and also cancer issues. If he caught this thing it would probably be the final nail in his coffin. I'm around my father all the time and help him constantly around the house and take care of his daily business. Avoiding contact with him is impossible he needs me around often.

At the start of this thing we had a family talk. My mother was against the vaccine and so was my father. When Covid started we lost a neighbor who was older than dirt, the guy probably had Christ in his year book. He died from Covid. That was last March at the start. Then an elderly cousin died last week. Then the week before that my mother lost a really close friend. The cousin was old with an underlying condition, and her friend had really bad COPD. Regardless, my mother became extremely paranoid about the virus! It was just hitting to close to home now. On top of that I think she has borderline OCD and when she gets it into her head that she has to do something, there's no stopping her.

So the other day my mother tells me she made an appointment for the the entire family to get vaccinated. I immediately told her no, and the look on her face just crushed me. She said she was OK with my decision but I could tell she wasn't. After thinking it over for a bit I decided I'd go ahead and do it, for her! If it makes her more comfortable, I'm OK with it.

I did tell them both though that this is it. I'm done complying. I will not get a new vaccine jabbed into me every 6 months for each strain of flu that comes around. I will not show my Vax card to enter places. I'm done! I have no clue what was injected into my body and I'm fed up with this nonsense now! The masks, the paranoia, the bullshit statistics, the constant propaganda. This ends when we've all had enough, and I'm there now!

My parents are actually pretty cool and they both agreed and said they were done too. The important thing is that they feel good about it. On top of that, I'm no spring chicken myself, I have no family besides them that are counting on me, and I've probably put a lot worse into my body back in the rave days. Some of those dirty warehouse alone were probably pretty toxic! 🤣

I've stated from the start of this all that I'm not a virus denier. The states reaction to this is retarded though. If I turn into a boot licking statist 6 months from now I blame the vaccine. All kidding aside, I'm done! The elderly and those with serious underlying conditions need to take precautions, the rest of us need to start living our lives again in a normal day to day fashion. Time to reopen the restaurants, time to get back to work, time to open the bars and clubs. Wash your hands, have common sense, and lets put this behind us! And God forbid if you don't feel good stay in the effing house!

So I've reluctantly been vaccinated in the name of love for my mother. If any of us suffer any side effects I'll make sure to post them in an update. I feel fine though and my mother and father seem fine as well.

Scammed again SMH 😜

This is post 7 of 31 in this months #HiveBloPoMo

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